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Austin's POV

I opened my eyes to the dull light of the early morning streaming through the window. I sat up, the pain having lessened from my restful sleep. I saw that there was an elaborate omelet with toast and bacon on a plate next to me, obviously not made by the staff. There was a note attached to it. I recognised the dark, elegant handwriting as Mints. I squinted to read the message. Though her handwriting was loopy and pretty, it was extremely difficult to read. "Meet me tomorrow at nine behind the hospital. -Mint" It instructed me. My eyes immediately widened. She wasn't dead. She didn't kill herself. She was still alive. I sat for a moment, relief spreading through every bone in my body. I placed in on the table and picked up the plate of food, smiling. She once told me that if you really want to get a man to do something, make him food before you ask. I took a bite of the omelet and grinned. It was really good. And I was definitely going.

It weighs too much this time
My hands are broken
She'll disappear again
Before we've spoken
That night we took that year
In black leaf falls
All of the trees were bare
Next to the dance hall
I saw you outside
The bathroom stalls
You were just standing there
Out in the hall
You leaned your hip against,
Against the wall
I'd love you anywhere
But black leaf falls
I'll fall asleep tonight
See where they take me
Fly with the maple seeds,
See if she wakes me.

Mint's POV

"I want foooooood," Kayli whined as I attempted to keep her from going down to the cafeteria. "I am trying to tell you that if you just shut up, I'll give you food!" I laughed, walking to stand by the desk. She put her hands on her hips. "Well?" She asked, obviously waiting for said food. I pulled a bag from behind the desk. She raised her eyebrows but said nothing. I carefully pulled out a chocolate cupcake with electric blue icing and purple flowers coving the top. She smiled and took it from me. "Where'd you get this?" She asked in wonder. "Not telling you," I said playfully, elated that she was finally smiling again. I pulled out a vanilla cupcake with dark blue icing and white stars on top. We ate together quietly. I wonder what she's thinking. Probably about Austin, I guessed. I sighed internally. I hate him for hurting her, but at the same time, that left her free. That left her better off without a scheming dick always breathing down her back. I really wished she weren't so depressed. I wanted to reach out and hug her, get all of the hurt out of her eyes. I smiled to myself. I knew the one way I could do that. I then told her I was going for a walk, and grabbed the other bag before running behind the hospital to begin. I set the bag down and grabbed my sketchpad, propping it on the wall of the hospital. I grabbed a brush and some black acrylic paint, and begin my work on the cement bricks of the hospital. I grinned at the outline and began the details, ready to see that little smile of hers once again.

Kayli's POV

I lay in bed after Mint left. I wonder what she was doing. It was totally obvious she wasn't going on a walk. People only say they're going on a walk so they can sneak of and do something else. I looked around the room, and opened the draw to the bed stand. Inside lay a single rose with a note attached to it. The note read, 'Sniffing around, eh?' I smiled and lay it on top of the wooden cabinet. She was so sweet to me. I sat on the bed and thought about her. I don't deserve someone that kind. This thought got me thinking. Why me? I was so...boring. There was nothing special about me, yet she was with me. She chose me to be her best friend out of all of the people. She seemed like so much more than a best friend. We've been through so much together, mostly because of me. Yet she stayed with me, offered her shoulder to cry on. Her bed to keep me warm. He arms to keep me sane. She was everything and more. More. I blushed at that word. I wonder how much more there would ever be? I pulled a book off the table and lost myself in the words on the page, my cheeks still a faint pink at my thought. More.

A/N: I'm so done rn this is so cute I just. I'm prewriting a crap ton of chapters at one time so I can just upload one when I need to. Downside is that I want to upload them all NOW AAH Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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