Porcelana Chica

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Greg's POV

I've been in this hospital for about two hours, spending all of my time trying to cheer up the porcelana chica beside me. Eventually, after much work, I got her to smile. After that little grin, making her laugh was much, much easier. Every once in a while, we would stand to see if she'd awoken. Each time we were disappointed. I started to feel terrible for her. I wouldn't have called her a friend before, but the sight of her lying still, seemingly lifeless mad me frown. It hurt a bit, but nonetheless I tried not to grieve so Mint didn't have to either. Once more, she stood to check on Kayli, and smiled. She had changed her position at least. She was going to be okay. I could hear Kayli's parents talking in hushed whispers outside, but I paid no mind to it. Looking over at Mint, I saw her staring at me and she blushed and looked down. "Your blush is so pretty against your light skin, like a porcelain girl," I said without thinking. My face quickly heated as I realised what I had said. "A porcelain girl?" She asked, looking at me curiously. I nodded. "Mi porcelana chica," I replied. She blushed when she realised I had said 'My porcelain girl'. How cute....

Kayli's POV

I watched the couple through my eyelashes. Dammit, why can't they just kiss already? So annoying. Oh, what am I saying?! I'm supposed to be mad at her! Remembering that, I sat up quickly. "How could you Melody!? I can't believe you told him! I didn't tell Greg!? Was it pity!?" I said loudly fro. My bed. She looked at me, obviously confused. "What?" She asked. "Don't play dumb with me! I know you told Austin! He asked me out!" I said. She smiled. "He asked you out? Really? That's awesome!" She exclaimed. "Yeah. Because you told him to." I said. "Why would I do that? Then he would do it out of sorrow. That would suuuuck." She said, becoming angry I thought she said something. "You...didn't tell him to? Then who did?" I asked. "Well, he probably likes you..." Greg said shyly. We both stared at him. "No way." I said. "Uh, it's kind of obvious. Do you even look at him?" He asked me. I stared at him, surprised. He has been acting funny the last few weeks. "Oh." I said quietly. "You're good to go home. Do you have a friend that can stay with you for a few days?" Said the nurse who walked in. I looked over at Mint. "Yeah, I do." I said. "Good. You can leave whenever you like." She said, pressing painkillers into my hand. "Thank you." I said, standing up. As I was walking to the restroom to get water, I heard a whisper from Greg behind me, talking to Mint, "So, mi porcelana chica, what exactly did she not tell me?" I chuckled quietly at the pet name. It was beautiful.

Austin's POV

I did nothing but lye in my bed for what felt like hours. Suddenly, I got a text. I slowly got up, prepared to be disappointed by no word from her. I was right. It was some random text from an old friend. Whatever. I went to lye down again, bringing my phone. Getting on YouTube, I pressed her name, and watched her videos until I drifted off to sleep, smiling at the song that was playing.

I awoke with a start-much to my chagrin-from a text on my phone. I looked at it, sleep clouding my eyes I was immediately awoken at the message from Kayli. 'I'd love to.'

Mint's POV

I blushed and looked down, shrugging. I didn't want to tell him what she meant. "Why won't you tell me? If you don't I'll just assume it's much worse than it is," He threatened. "That I sorta like you," I muttered to my feet. "What? I couldn't hear you," He said, looking at me, confused. "I, uh, have to go." I said, rushing out of the room to Kayli's house. "Mi hermosa muñeca de porcelana, vuelve, te necesito!" He called after me. I understood little spanish, and all I could pick out were the words 'beautiful', 'porcelain', and the final one that took my breath away, 'need'.

A/N: Well damn. That was a roller coaster to write, but it was hella fun so it's okay. Well that's it for now folks, see you in the next chapter that'll probably be posted soon because unfortunately, my insomnia disables my ability to hibernate so ;-; Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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