The Cost

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Mint's POV

I wandered the cold streets with abandon, the rain beginning to fall. Damnit, it only rained when I didn't want it to. I had no clue where I was, or where I was going, but I knew that maybe if I kept searching I'd find myself. I didn't know who I was anymore. I thought of Kayli and her understanding smile and Greg's warm brown eyes and everything that could've gone right and didn't. If I were just good enough, then Greg would be with me and Kayli and I would be okay and my life would be perfect. Now it's everything I didn't want it to be. Complicated. I struggled with my thoughts and the hole beginning to grow in my chest, where my heart was. With each step away from who I was, the hole got bigger. I stopped walking and turned my head. There was a jeep crawling behind me with a young boy in it. "Need a ride?" He asked. I shrugged. "I've got no where to go," I replied tenderly. "Well, I guess we're just the same, now aren't we?" He said, crawling along behind me. I nodded. "I suppose that's possible." I said back. "Well, I don't know where you're going, or what you're looking for, but just get in the car." He said. "I don't even know you!?" I said quickly, although the voice was a little familiar. "Mint, look at me." I turned to meet the gaze of this stranger and stopped in my tracks, my breath hitching.

Kayli's POV

I don't know how long I've wandered these dark streets, but it was steadily getting more and more scary as I got farther from home. I drew in a deep breath and turned a corner, sighing in relief. There she was. I gasped as she got in a car with some guy I didn't know. She couldn't know him. I ran after the jeep, but by the time I got there it was long gone. I sat on the ground and tears streamed down my face. I needed her here with me. She was safer with me. Better with me. I wanted to text Austin. I wanted to ask him what to do. No wanted to know what to do. But for some strange reason, she didn't want to be found. My eyes widened as it dawned on me. It was Austin. She knew I loved him so she left because she knew I was happy with him. She didn't want to hurt me. There was only one thing she could do. She had left me with some stranger to God knows where to do God knows what. I sobbed quietly, my tears dripping onto the already wet sidewalk. I couldn't go home, not now. I didn't want to. So I walked the roads once more, the rain pattering onto my hair and body and the soaking wet asphalt drowning out my thoughts.

Austin's POV

I texted Kayli and Mint a thousand times each and was concerned when I received absolutely no word from either of the two seemingly missing girls. I wonder if they're ignoring me. I cringed at the thought; I didn't want I be the odd man out. Oh wait. I'm the only man. I sighed and out my phone down, walking to my bathroom. Gripping the counter with my hands, I looked up at the mirror, my face a horrifying shade of white. I was going to keep Kayli.

No matter what the cost.

I grabbed my phone and put my plan in action. I talked to Jackson about it, and he's down with it. Let's do this.

Greg's POV

I can't believe she liked him. I texted Austin quickly. "Don't hurt her dude. I messed up." I threw my phone down and went to get hot tea. I missed her so bad. She was gravity. She kept me down. I needed her more than life itself and there was nothing I could do because everything I could have not done has led me to this. I sighed and let a year slip out. Between my dad being paralysed from the neck down and losing Mint, it was too much. Everything was too much. It hurt so bad.

A/N: MUAHAHAHA! Austin's got some evil plans! :3 This won't go well. Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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