Scary Monster, Happy Family

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Mint's POV

So lately I was watching anime a lot, and Kayli questioned it. How could I be so casual after kissing him? I never told her, but anime was how. I had to focus on reading the words quickly so I didn't miss what was going on. It took my mind off things. Like, suddenly I wasn't in the real world anymore. I was in mine. I sighed and went to the kitchen, listening to the flurry of Japanese speech booming through the sound system. Upon arriving to her mother's kitchen, I got s text from Austin. "Okay, I didn't want to know, but now I'm curious. Kayli's arm??" I read to myself. "You don't really want to know," I texted back quickly and continued on making my tea. I got a text back, but I ignored it. I had too much to think about without the little douche. I added honey to my spearmint tea and made my way back to the living room where, to my surprise, Kayli stood with a huge smile on her face. "So how was your date?" I asked, confusion lacing my tone as I saw how excited she was. She blushed. "It was good..." She said timidly. Austin made plans for him and I to go ice skating with his parents!" She said happily. "Oh, wow, okay." I replied, glad that she was going with an adult, it made me feel better about her leaving. I took a sip of tea. "You could text Greg and you and him could come too." She said. "Nah, I'll pass. I don't feel well today." I replied, shaking my head. "Aw, I'm sorry. I hope you feel better. I'm off to the mall to get something. I'll be back soon, k? Love you." She told me. "Alright, I can make dinner since your mom's out. Love you too," I said back. And with a kiss on my cheek, she was gone. I went back to the kitchen and grabbed an acetaminophen before wanting back to the living room and turning on Rosario+Vampire. I swallowed the pill and went to lie down on the couch with my phone, trying to figure out what was for dinner.

Austin's POV

I sighed in relief when Kayli texted me that the others weren't coming. I don't need to have other people coming with us in this case. It would be a little bit awkward. I checked my phone and it told me that the ice rink is going to open at two. I headed out to the store to buy some gummy worms for my younger sister and then I went home. I sat down on the couch and pulled out a book I was reading for English and stared at the pages, reading nothing. Would my parents like her? God, I hope so. Ah well, I wasn't leaving her because my parents can't get over themselves. Grabbing the remote, I flipped on some horror movie and watched the scenes go by. Scary monster, happy family. Huh. Life seems so much more complex than that. Weird.

Greg's POV

So much hurt. Every bone in my body hurt. I was on my side in my bed listening to Coldplay thinking, why couldn't life be a movie? In the end, people end up happy. Why isn't that the case? I hadn't left my room in two days, and my phone was constantly ringing. I just couldn't. I picked up my phone. Nearly all of my calls were from Mint. I smiled despite everything. She kinda does care, huh? I put my phone down and sat on the edge of my bed. This sucked. I suddenly got another text, and I checked my phone. It was from my mother. I checked it and smiled for the first time in a long time. He would be okay. But the next text, that was what really hurt me.

Kayli's POV

I paced my dressing room. What if his parents didn't like the turquoise colour? He said it looked nice on me, but did it? Mint said the brown complimented my eyes, but I wasn't sure. I finally decided on the brown and took it to checkout before I could change my mind. I left the store and hurried home, ready for some of Minty's hot tea.

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