I'm Such a Hypocrite

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*TRIGGER WARNING* I've used this line so many times that if you still heed this warning just leave don't even try to read this story.

Mint's POV

"GODDAMMIT KAYLI." I say, rushing her to the bathroom. "What is this?" I demand of a terrified Kayli, pointing to the cuts slashed across her arm. "I f-fell..." She says quietly. "No you didn't. I know you didn't." My voice cracking as a tear falls down my face, until more fall. "Was it him?" I whisper, another tear slipping out. Kayli didn't answer. Wiping my eyes, I walked out and straight to Austin. "Hello." I say pleasantly to him. He looks between me and Kayli and answers with a short, "Hi." not seeing the horrible things he did to my friend. My smile dropped and I punched him in the jaw. Security ran over to send me to the Principal's office and help a staggering Austin. I walk down, tears slip down my face as I walk to the office. That monster! How could he look her in the eyes after what he did! I don't want Kayli doing that. I smiled wryly as I thought of the scars up and down my thighs and back from exactly that. I'm such a hypocrite. My smile dropped as I thought of her red arm, sliced up to pieces by her, like that very same knife cut into my heart with each time that knife dipped into her. I walked into the principal office and groaned. He asked questions, I told him I had a grudge from a while ago. I lied for her because I loved her. I got suspended for four days. It was okay. That was okay, because he deserved it. I grabbed my stuff and walked out to wait for mom. I'm glad I got that out of my system.

Kayli's POV

I sat in the restroom and cried. I don't know how long I was in there, all I know is that everything hurt. There was a type of urgency in Mint's eyes that I couldn't describe. As if she knew how bad it was for you. As if she'd done it too. I was furious at her. How could she do that? She knew I liked him, so she embarrassed him in front of all the seventh graders? What the hell was that?! Tears cascaded down my face. I seem to cry a lot this year. I walked down the nurse. Telling her I was sick and I would walk home. I left for home, knowing no one would be there. I got there and pulled out the knife is used to cut myself. I walked outside and chucked to as far as I could into the woods. I was done.

A/N: I've noticed that I spend about 50% of the time I'm writing these crying. Wow. Okay then. Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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