Bleeding Out

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A/N: I so want to spam this story like you don't even know

Austin's POV

It was eight o clock and I waited for nine to come so I could find out what Mint wanted with me behind the hospital. God, I hope Kayli won't be there. I won't be able to take it if she was. A mixture of guilt and sadness washed over me as I thought of the other day. It was so ironic that what I had done to keep her was the one thing that had me lose her. A second chance was probably out of the question, and I couldn't bear to think of her. It hurt too much. I mean, probably not as much as the smashed right half of my body, but still. It was damaging. I groaned. My life was like a fucking teen romance novel (lol you don't even fuckin know). I sat up with a grimace and grabbed my painkillers, conveniently located to my right. Ugh. I threw them done with some water. I lay back down and stared at the ceiling. I need a rebound. I snorted without humour. Of course that'll happen, patients aren't busy enough with their life threatening illnesses or anything. God damnit, everything I touch has to freaking die. Except Mint. That message scared the living hell out of me. She's alive. She didn't die. I shook my head. I'm not a killer.

Kayli's POV

I feel like shit. I know, I'm being dramatic, he's just a guy. But that's not what I'm talking about. I LITERALLY GOT SICK IN A HOSPITAL. I have some kind of fever or something and I laughed so hard when I was told this. Who the hell gets sick in the one place made for getting rid of sickness? Oh yeah. Me. I still grinned wryly at the novelty of this idea. Huh. Only I would be able to get sick here but whatever. Maybe I got it when I went home for stuff yesterday. I stretched out on Mint's bed. She left like, nine hours ago on another "walk". I wonder what she was up to. Last night, when she came back, we fell asleep, cuddled together on the bed. We woke up at ten and went down to eat together before she up and left. Weird. I wonder how she's doing emotionally. The whole Greg thing really took a hit on her, but she's more comfortable now. She doesn't feel like as much of a let down anymore after my constant insistence that she was perfect. She never really agreed, but she shrugged off the thought of her lack of worthiness. Not that there was any, really. She is amazing. I just can't get her to believe that. She really was everything, and at that moment, I realised how much she could hurt me. And how much she did exactly the opposite. At that moment, I realised how much I would do for her. Because I loved her.

When the day has come
That I've lost my way around
And the seasons stop, and hide beneath the ground
When the sky turns grey
And everything is screaming
I will reach inside
Just to find my heart is beating
Oh you tell me to hold on
Oh you tell me to hold on
But innocence is gone
And what was right is wrong
Cause I'm bleeding out
So if the last thing that I do
Is bring you down
I'll bleed out for you
So I bare my skin
And I count my sins
And I close my eyes
And I take it in
And I'm bleeding out,
I'm bleeding out for you
For you

Mint's POV

I spent torturing hours on this painting. I went back and got some spray paint and cookies for later. I had an hour to finish this. I finished spray painting the background with thirty minutes to get Kayli and bring her down, and Austin would show up. I smiled. I hope they would like it. I signed it with green paint and sat down on the rocky groaned, groaning at my aching arms. I'd been out here for nine and a half hours only today, not including my eight yesterday, and it was really taking it's extremely unforgiving toll upon my body. It was worth it anyway. Those two needed some pick me up. Although...maybe putting them together isn't such a good idea. Yeah, I'll just show Austin for tonight. I can show Kayli tomorrow morning. I grabbed my stuff and hid it behind the rock once more, with the cookies underneath everything so that they wouldn't get too cold. I slowly walked to the mural and sat against the wall behind it, before hearings the crunch of footsteps. Well, someone was early. But the person that turned the corner was not the innocent face of Austin expected. "Hey there." The boy greeted me. Oh wow.

A/N: Holy hell what this story is beginning to bore me now it's terrible XD I'm sorry but like literally who ever is actually reading this just wow thank you this story is so crappy lol

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