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Mint's POV

I stared at the boy that had come around the corner. He seemed strangely familiar, but I couldn't exactly name him. His hair was short and dark, with a cold, sarcastic expression and a smirk that made me mad. "Hi," I replied, unsure. He chuckled at my hesitance. "Your name again? Didn't ever get it," He drawled in a silky tone. I stared at him. "I-uh-Mint." I told him. He laughed once more and ran his hand through his hair. "I'm Lucias. You probably don't recognise me, but I'm the really hot guy that's first chair trombone." He said. Wow, that guy has an ego. "So, why are you here? Cut your finger?" I asked him. "Hmm, I think you just might have it there, clever girl." He said, rolling his eyes. "No, really, why are you here?" He looked me in the eyes, and I fought the urge to look away. It was like staring at the sun. "I wanted to make sure you were okay." He said quietly, his eyes softening. Then, his hard face came back and he turned in his heel and left. "Wait, why?" I asked, holding out and hand and gesturing for him to come back. He did not look back at me as he left, leaving me confused and wanting to know more about him. Then, there was a crunch of gravel and I looked up hopefully, hoping he had changed his mind. Instead was the face of a confused Austin staring at me. He looked at the wall and his eyes widened, a tear dripping down his face.

Austin's POV

It was beautiful. There was a colourful background with geometrical shapes in bright colours, and in the middle were two girls, the one obviously supposed to be Mint, stood out, tall and proud. The other, who looked exactly like Kayli, was blushing and looking away, her hand in Mint's. I stood a couple feet away, smiling brightly with my hands at my side. I couldn't tear my eyes away when Mint asked me if I liked it. I nodded quickly and stared at the giant picture that stood in front of me. "Wow," I breathed. "How long did this take you?" I asked. "About a day," She said, obviously proud of herself. I nodded slowly. "Wow."

Kayli's POV

Where the hell was she? God, I'm going to kill her. I sat around and waited. I checked the clock. 9:20. Mint walked into the room then, laughing about something funny earlier. "Where have you been?" I demanded. "I was out behind the hospital," She said, her face serious now. "Why?" I asked. "I'll show you tomorrow," She teased. I laughed and pulled her to the bed with me. She grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around me, along with her arms. "Okay," I said, sighing contently in her arms.

---•Doctor Who time skip•---

Oh god, don't tell me.... I looked at the girl sleeping peacefully in the sheets. It was seven am and I had woken up to the fact that I was in love with this girl. That scared me. "Hey, Kayli," She murmured, opening her eyes halfway. "Yes?" I asked, uncertain. "Can I have some coffee?" She asked sweetly. Coffee ran in Mint's veins. I went over to the tiny coffee maker and made her a but, bringing it over to her. "Thanks," She muttered, more awake now. After a few minutes of talking and drinking coffee, just jumped out of bed. "I have something to show you! Follow me!" She said. "Can we eat first?" I ask wearily. "Absolutely not! There's food there anyway." She told me. She ran out of the room and I struggled to keep up with the thin girl. We sprinted outside and stood at the corner of the hospital. Ah walked behind me and caverns my eyes with her hands and led me to the back of the building. She slowly pulled her hands from my eyes and leaned against the wall next to it, watching my face flicker between emotions. My expression slowly settled on awe as I walked forward to run a finger across the colourful cement. I turned to her, standing still, before bounding to her and pulling her into a hug. Tears streamed down my face, leaving a mark on her black tshirt. I stood on my tiptoes to whisper in her ear, "Thank you." I kissed her temple. She blushed darkly. "Well, Happy Christmas to you too," She mumbled. I gasped. "It's Christmas! You get out today! I have a surprise for you!" I said excitedly. Soon, I heard gravel and turned to see someone I had never seen before, but by the look on Mint's face, she knew a little more about him than I.

A/N: I'm laughing so hard and tbh I can't even explain why because Kayli's like "Who the hell are you?" And it's just XDD. Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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