As Good as Gone

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*LANGUAGE WARNING* Be careful what you fucking read on the fucking Internet kids you fucking my just get some fucking depression which would fucking suck. Oh yeah there is some graphic language in here enjoy.

Mint's POV

It's been a few months since the hospital thing happened and Kayli's had some therapy. Everything's good. Greg and I are happy, and so are Austin and Kayli. I'm walking in the hallways after first period and I look around. I'm late, but I don't mind. I don't pay attention enough. Suddenly, I wish I didn't choose today to pay attention. In the corner of my eye, there's a frizzy haired blonde girl giggling, holding hands with a boy and pulling him to the boys' bathroom. The sickening realisation of who the boy is brings tears to my eyes as I run toward the girls' bathroom next door, standing in front of them. "I never was good enough, for anyone. I was dumb to think it would be different for you." My voice sounding weaker than I wanted it to. "Wait Minty," Greg begs. "No. You do not call me Minty. My name is Melody. And so help me god, if I hear you even say my name again," I paused to scowl at him, "I will cut your throat out." I finished. He stared at me, and I ran into the girls' restroom. I spend too much time in here. School went by without going by. It was as if time went by around me as I was stuck in the same point in my life. Class to class, on and on, and nothing happened. I was alone. Kayli wasn't here today, and I was glad. She shouldn't see me like this. I trudged up the hill to my house and got a text from Kayli. "Hey, how was school today?" I texted her back with a quick "Fine" and slid my phone in my back pocket. "Shit, something's wrong. I'll be over soon." She texted back.

Kayli's POV

I ran to her house as quickly as I could. Damnit! Something was very wrong. She never, ever texts back fine. Ever. I finally got to her doorstep and flung open the front door to find her crying on the ground. I checked her phone. Ten texts from Greg. "I'm going to kill him!" I screamed at no one in particular. She looked up at me sadly. "It's my fault, if I were goo-" I help up a hand to silence her. "This is not your fault. You're perfect. You are not good enough, you are ten times better. So just, tell me what happened." I said. She explained to me what had happened and I picked up her phone, went to her contacts, and deleted him. I went to her mother's bathroom and grabbed some minty bath salts. She smiled at me sadly and took them. "Go take a bath, okay? You'll feel better." I said to her. I picked up my phone and texted Austin about it, to which he was surprisingly very mad about. Huh, I never really thought he cared about Minty that much. Weird.

Greg's POV

Shit. SHIT. I shouldn't have let that girl take me away. I shouldn't have let her convince me to go with her. I am such an idiot! I slammed my fist against the wall. Fuck me! Dammit. I hate myself so much. She is probably out looking for someone new. I cringed. I can't see her with anyone else but me. I don't want to. I went to lie down on my bed and tears rolled down my face as I slowly drifted to sleep.

Austin's POV

No, no, no! This can't be happening. If Greg is gone, Mint is going to fall in love with Kayli. That's what's going for to happen and I'm going to lose my girlfriend for some transgender bitch! I sat down on the floor next to my bedroom door and put my head in my hands. He was my shield. He kept Mint away from others and thanks to him she has stayed off Kayli. Damnit. This would happen to me. I've always disliked Mint because of that. Of course, I was okay with her after she started dating Greg. He kept me safe. But now that he's gone, I'm vulnerable. And so is Kayli. She was as good as gone.

A/N: No words. Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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