A Middle Distance Runner

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Mint's POV

I wake up on the couch and-like any teenage girl-the first thing I want to do is check my phone. I get up quietly, so as not to wake Kayli, and retrieve before scurrying back to the couch. I open it up and look at it. Sixteen messages from Austin (I roll my eyes at this) and one from Ollie. I open Ollie's first, prioritising. It was a picture of him standing and smiling in front of Mt. Rushmore. I smile to myself and send back my enthusiasm. I open the messages from Austin, sighing. God, I can't stand him. The first message asks me to tell Kayli to text him, and the next fourteen are of same character. The last one, though, was a screenshot. I open it and read through it before checking the top. My eyes widen and a tear falls down my face. Why would she say that? I put my phone down and look outside of the window. Such a nice day today, a beautiful time to die. Such a beautiful day to love someone. forever.

Well my heart is beating hard
And I'm off with a shot at the start
And my legs tremble from strain
But by the finish line, I am drained
So won't you run to me tonight?
Tonight, lets not talk about next summer
Cause I'll only ever be, a middle distance runner
Well I'm so proud tonight
Of the woman you've become
And I'm just too tired to fight
So my darling, I'll succumb
But you'll have to run to me tonight
Tonight, I will love you forever
But I'll only ever be, a middle distance runner.

Kayli's POV

I wake up to bright light streaming through the windows and my eyelids. I sat up and looked at the couch, not seeing Mint there. Upon further investigation, her stuff wasn't either. Maybe she went home. Whatever, she'll be back for Christmas. I dragged myself to the kitchen to make breakfast before I saw a note in the table. Underneath was a fake screenshot of me talking to someone else, in which I became angry about immediately. A tear slipped down my face and on to the paper, wrinkling from the droplet. She's run away. One line stuck out to me though, one line that made me fall to the ground, clutching my sanity. "I will love you forever." She didn't run away. She is dead. My breathing wheezed out of my lungs and I couldn't think. The hole was back. Only this time,
I was the hole.

---•Time skip like the Doctor•---

I called my parents and hers and told them about the note. They shrugged it off, saying is be back later. She was joking, or she would change her mind. In between calls I cried and curled up in a ball on the floor, sobbing for hours on end, unable to think. I need to look for her. I decided to start at my house. I searched all over but found no trace. I ran frantically to her house in hysterics and searched. The last place I came to was the bathroom. And everything went black.

Austin's POV

I've heard from neither Mint nor Kayli, and I wasn't sure that was a good sign. Honestly, I hope they aren't working it out. God, that trick took planning. I sat back in my office chair, smiling to myself. She was all mine now. Suddenly I got a text from Kami. "She's gone." She said blatantly. I stared down at the text, wondering what it meant. I shrugged. I hope she meant Melody.

A/N: Crying and hurting are two things that commonly occur. Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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