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Mint's POV

She slowly pressed her lips to mine,and I froze in surprise before melting into the feeling. After a moment I pulled back slowly and looked at her. I set her down on the table and continued washing her face in silence, waves of sadness crashing over me and pulling me under. I finished applying peroxide to the cuts on her face and bandaged each carefully. I cleaned up slowly as she sat on the table and watched with curious eyes, wondering what I was thinking. I slowly put the bandages away, and tears filled my eyes, blurring my vision. That didn't mean as much to her as it did to me, didn't it? Probably was nothing to her. I kept my back to her, not wanting her to see my face. I heard her moving behind me but I kept on cleaning up, washing my hands thoroughly. I felt her eyes boring into the back of my head, and internally cringed. I didn't need her to see me.

Austin's POV

I played my piano mindlessly, liking the feeling of my fingers striking the keys gently yet still making s beautiful tone ring through my ears. A lullaby that I had written was the piece I played, one that wrote my feelings about Mint, and my fear. But then again, it is useless to play lullabies for those who cannot sleep. I got up and went over to my computer, getting it started. It was eight o clock but I still went to the kitchen to make some cereal before coming back up with my bowl and waiting for the computer to slowly come to a start. I watched Kayli draw a new picture and sighed. I knew Mint was staying the night at her house. I watched the video and thought about my life before we dated. It was so uncomplicated, so free. I wasn't constantly stressed. I wasn't worried about every little thing some random girl I barely knew did. I was okay. But when I was with Kayli, I was better than okay. I was amazing. She was my everything. I looked around my room. Her drawing were plastered on the walls, colourful flowers against and white background. A streak of red paint on an office desk. Like her. Pictures of us, constant reminders of her, covered my desk. I let a year free, and more followed. She would break up with me eventually. I wasn't obsessive, I just couldn't lose her.

I panic at the thought
Of you wanting someone else
I tremble at the word
Of another making you melt
The world has hurt me
It truly has
But here you are
If you can call it that
A bruised spine
A broken bone
A shattered stick
Or a glass stone

Kayli's POV

What was she thinking? Was she hurt? I bet she was hurt. Did I hurt her? I drowned at the back of her head. "You won't leave him." She said quietly. It wasn't a question. "No," I said, my voice barely audible. She nodded her head without turning to me. "I'm sorry," She said. Before I could ask why, she sprinted through the living room and out of the door. I ran after her, pushing my legs as hard as they would go. She can't leave, she has to stay. I have to explain. I ran out to the sidewalk and paused, looking around. No one was there. Not a sound was made. I sank to the ground and wrapped my arms around my knees, burying my face in the crook. I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply. I wasn't angry. I just couldn't lose her.

A/N: Well I'm gonna go now it hurts I need help please okay bYE. Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

Breaking Doesn't Mean You're BrokenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora