Classical Music

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Austin's POV

I went to my room and lie down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. She was stuck in my head like a song. She would be classical music, I thought with a smile, remembering she played the violin. I sighed quietly as these thoughts ran through my head. There was no way she liked me. Why, oh why did she happen to me? I got up and went to the kitchen to get a granola bar and went back to my room. Sitting as my desk. I got on my computer and looked her up on YouTube. I pressed on a video and Coldplay filled my room as I watched her colour in a beautiful drawing of a cat. I laughed quietly at the smile on its face. I needed to watch her more often.

Mint's POV

He looked over and smiled at me. I grinned back and my heartbeat quickened. He looked away and as soon as he did my cheeks broke out in a blush. I looked down, no longer listening to the teacher. How could I when he was that close to me? We were dismissed to go outside, and as he and I stood our hands brushed against each other. Blushing, we both looked away from each other. I quickly left the door to go get a jersey, my hand tingling from where he touched me.

---•Time skip like the Doctor•---

Kayli's POV

I rushed out of seventh hour and crashed head on into someone in my rush for my locker. I apologised and looked up to who I had run into and gasped. "Uhm, hey there." He said. I can't believe it.

Greg's POV

Ouch. That hurt a bit. "I know you!" The girl that had run into me said. I couldn't help but laugh at her incredulous expression. "Well, I haven't a clue who you are, but noted." I said. She turned pink and shrugged. "Well, heh, my name is Kayli. I'm friends with a girl you may know as Mint?" She asked. I blushed crimson and looked down. "Yeah, I uh, know her." I said quietly. She smirked at my embarrassment. "Well there's a sight," She said with a tone that sounded like she knew something I didn't. I tilted my head, but by then she had already sauntered away, laughing quietly. What was that about? Maybe her and Mint made fun of me behind my back. But why would they do that? Melody is such a nice girl, why would she..? I turned red and looked at my hand, remembering what happened a little while ago. It was cold and hot at the same time, stinging pleasantly. "Wow," I whispered, confusion lacing my quiet voice.

Kayli's POV

I laughed evilly as I went to my locker. He totally had a crush on her. Now, it was only a matter of whether I should tell her. If I did tell her, they could get together. On the other hand, if I didn't, they could figure it out for themselves and it would give them both some time to think. I decided on the latter. She didn't need to know yet. I grabbed my backpack and binder and headed for the bus. "Hey Kayli!" I turn around quickly. "I, uh, really like your YouTube account," Austin says. He opened his mouth to say something else, but stopped and looked down. "T-thanks," I stammered. Stupid! He looked like he had more to say, but handed me a folded piece of paper and walked away quickly. I watched him walk away and looked down at the paper. On the front, it told me to open it at home alone. I wonder what it said. Why did I have to open it alone? I was curious. I opened it quickly to peek, and gasped at what I saw.

A/N: Cliffhanger again. I'm so mean. Was this one like, a good length? Should I make them longer/shorter? Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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