Now Weep

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Mint's POV

"Rise and shine, silly girl," I whispered in the sleeping girl's ear. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. "What time is it?" She mumbled. "Seven," I said. She sighed. "No sleep?" She asks me. I shrug. "I made food," I tell her. She sits up immediately and I laugh. "Lesgo!!" She exclaims, racing to the kitchen. She smiles as she runs in, looking at what I made for Christmas morning. There were bacon and chocolate chip pancakes, sausage and bacon, scrambled eggs, and toast. We ate and her family woke up and came to the kitchen to join us. After we finished, I watched them open presents and smiled at their happiness. Kayli was so cute when she was excited. Finally the exchange finished and Kayli and I put on warm clothes. We ran outside where Ollie waited for us. "So I get the idea that it's yours and stuff, but can I help? I can help with things you can't reach." He asks as we drive to the cabin. I look at Kayli and she shrugs. "Okay, but keep Kayli company until I need you." I said, smiling at him. He grins and nods. Finally we get there and tripped through the woods to the small clearing. Ollie grinned at my half shed. "Well, you start. I'll be over there," He said, pulling Kayli to the border of the field. They sit and nodded for me to go on.

Kayli's POV

"Amazing, isn't she?" I breathed to a gaping Olliver. He nodded in awe and I laughed. It was four hours after she started, and with a little help from Ollie and I, all four walls stood at attention. She finished nailing the supports to the walls and smiled at us, waving as sweat dripped down her neck. We both waved back as she began the roof. After a long time, the shack stood with a roof. She began sanding all the logs at the corner, but not to where the bark was gone, just to where all of the minuscule stumps that stood out were softened. She painted some clear stuff over everything, and Ollie helped to get the top parts. Soon, everything was glossy and smooth. It became dark and Ollie looked at Mint. "Ready to go?" He asks. She nodded and we put everything away into their bins. Then, Minty got a sad look on her face, almost like she made a promise she didn't keep. "What?" I ask. "Nothing," She said, her grieving face carefully arranging itself into a smile. "Uh, Ollie, I left something at the hospital. Drive me there and drop me off, and then bring Kayli home." She said to him. He nodded and we stumbled through the woods once more.

Austin's POV

I frowned. Mint should be here by now? Right? Huh, whatever. I guess she just left me again this time. Like Kayli. Like everyone. My thoughts are interrupted by a dark haired girl entering the room. I look up at her and immediately recognise the smile. "Opal?" I ask, surprised. She smiled at me. "How do you know me?" She asks, clearly flattered. I point at the ceiling. "Ah, yes. Mind if I join you?" She asks, gesturing to the bed. I nod and scoot over. She lays down on my left side and looks at the ceiling. "I've never gotten used to that picture," She tells me quietly. I turn my head to look at her. "What do you mean?" I ask. "It shows that I survived. It's so beautiful, and it won't last forever. That night, when I thought I'd never see it again. I never could put it into words when I woke up the next morning to that paintings. I remember blacking out to the sound of the nurses telling my parents I wouldn't make it. They couldn't abandon me since my heart was beating. heart kept beating. All the way until now. Until I see it again." She told me, remembering. I thought of Kayli and how much I wanted her next to me. But she didn't want to be here. At least Opal did.

She may contain the urge to run away
But hold her down with soggy clothes and breezeblocks
Cetirizine your fever's gripped me again
Never kisses-all you ever send are full stops, la, la, la
Do you know where the wild things go
They go along to take your honey, la, la, la
Break down, now weep
Build up breakfast, now let's eat
My love, my love, love, love, la, la, la,
Muscle to muscle, toe to toe
The fear has gripped me but, here I go
My heart sinks as I jump up
Your hand grips hand as my eyes shut

KMint's POV

I walked in the hospital as Ollie drives away with the promise of being picked up whenever I texted him. I ran through the halls to Austin's room and crashed head on into someone. Whoever it was wrapped their arms around me to steady me. Their hands were warm, and I felt nice in their arms. I looked up and gasped. "I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention." I said to the dark haired boy that held me. "It's okay," Luke said, looking down at me, hand still around my waist. His face wasn't a hard mask, and I was relieved. He stared down at me as I leaned into him, listening to his heart beat, adrenaline rushing through my body from the collision. I looked back up at him and blushed, searching his eyes to understand the feeling he had. He was unreadable. And then he leaned down, small centimetres from my lips.

A/N: AHH Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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