Lets Go

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*ADULT THEME WARNING* There is some...shall we say, 'suggestive' quotes in here? Nothing horribly bad, just a little giggle for the lolz.

Kayli's POV

I climbed the stairs to my house and unlocked the door. Mint silently followed me, from faced. I turned to her and rolled my eyes at her dark expression. "Lighten up! We're home! And you get to stay with me!" I said happily. She glowered at me and crossed her arms. "You just tried to kill yourself and you want ME to LIGHTEN UP?" She huffed darkly. I scowled at her. "Well if you put it that way..." I said back, equally annoyed. I went to the kitchen and she trailed me. I sat down at the table and she bustled around, making us hot tea and finding everything she needed to change my bandages. Sitting down next to me, she placed my drink in front of me and hers beside her, motioning for my arm. I held it out reluctantly and she laughed at my hesitation. I smiled, glad that she was back to normal. This smile immediately turned to a grimace as she tried to pull off my gauze. With a bit of tugging and a few winces from me, she got it loose and unraveled it the rest of the way. She set it down beside me and got the peroxide and a q tip for my cuts that had opened a bit. This would be fun.

Austin's POV

I still can't believe she said yes! Wow. Just wow. A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts and I took my time getting there. I pulled the door open to find a smiling Jackson. "I didn't know you were coming today?" I asked, annoyed by his presence. He was my friend and all, but today I was going to go celebrate at the swimming pool...."Neither did I, but I wanted to tell you something. I got a girlfriend!" He slurred his words in excitement. "Uh, cool. Me too, actually." I said. "That's not all! She's willing to suck the..." He said, cocking his head towards his pelvis. I raised my eyebrows and slowly nodded. "Good for you man. Listen, I gotta go get ready, I'm about to leave..." I said, desperate to get away. "Okay," He said, bouncing down the step and away from my house. I shook my head and shut the door. Wow, that was interesting. I padded to my room. I pulled off my shirt, and got a text. It was from Kayli. It was a picture of her with her arm getting bandages by Mint. "This is hell." She captioned it. "Send me a picture of you for your contact now," She said. I blushed and looked down at my bare torso. I took a picture of myself, trying not to show anything below my chest. I sent it to her and pulled on my swim shorts. I got a text from her. "Uh huh, impressive. Show off." She said. I laughed and put my phone in my pocket, putting on an old shirt. Let's go. I walked out of my house and locked the door. I decided to walk to the pool, it was only a mile away. "Pool time! Bring Mint and we shall swim!" I texted her before beginning my journey.

Mint's POV

Kayli smiled at her phone and poked me. "Go tell my mom she needs to get ready because we're going swimming. I'm gonna call someone else to go with us, okay?" She said to me. I nodded and went to tell her mom. I came back and heard Kayli on the phone. "Yeah, she's coming too. Sounds good. Bye." I walked up to her and cocked and eyebrow, but nonetheless went to her room to grab my bikini.

---•Time skip like the Doctor•---

I came out, pulling on a t short over my swimsuit and capris. To my surprise, Kayli was already in her two piece that was coloured brightly and covered in rainbow stars. Mine was black with red lace and burgundy ties. holding it together. Oh. We got some towels and hopped in the car. I wonder who Kayli brought along. Maybe Stella or someone. We got to the pool and her mom drove away, saying she'd pick us up in a few hours. There we met Austin, but the other person hasn't shown up yet, according to Kayli. Then, he walked in the door. So that's why she was smirking.

Greg's POV

I walked in and found Austin, Kayli, and Mint at some lounge chairs against the glass wall. Austin had pulled off his shirt already and was waiting for Kayli to get off her jeans. I yanked off my shirt and walked to them, watching Mint untie her shoes and pull them off, placing them neatly next to her towel. Then it was her shirt and pants, and I heard myself pull in a sharp intake of breath as more of her ivory skin was exposed. "See something you like?" She laughed as I stared. I quickly averted my gaze and blushed. "Yeah, there's a really nice potted plant. Just admiring its beauty." She smirked. "Humph. Well I suppose I'll have to show you how much cooler I am than a plant." She went to the pool edge, pulling me along by the hand. Letting go, she swiftly dived into the pool. My mouth dropped. There was almost no splash. She did a back flip and came back up in front of me. She grabbed my ankle and pulled me in. I gasped and fell into the water, laughing. I put my arms around her from behind, and she made a little noise in surprise as I pulled her under with me. I pulled us back up to a standing position, my arms still wrapped around her, our lips centimetres apart. She stared up at me with her cold, grey eyes. Her hot breath quickened as it fanned across my face. I felt her heart racing against my chest. I couldn't take it anymore. I smiled and leaned closely, our noses touching. She sighed in response. I took a deep breath. Let's go

A/N: Oh, I like this one. It's fun. Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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