Whatever's Left Of Me

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A/N: So pretty much I'm spamming this story because A) My "friend 😏" wants me to and B) I don't sleep so might as well. Enjoy!

*TRIGGER WARNING* Be careful what you read on the internet kids, you might get severe depression! Contains self harming, run while you still can.

Kayli's POV

I get home and sit at the dining table and search frantically through my papers. I could have sworn I had the picture of Austin and I. Did I leave it in class?? I think back to the day and gasp as I realise that I never got it back from Austin. He still has it. I blush furiously as I remember his arm around me. Why did he pull away? Is it because I'm so disgusting he couldn't stand to stay that close to me? (Something only a serious otaku could come up with) I frowned and looked at the floor. Why would he do it anyway? Is he playing with me? Making me think? I groaned in frustration and shoved all my stuff into my binder before wandering the house and eventually finding my way to my room. I slammed the door and threw myself onto my bed. Why him? Suddenly I really wished Mint was here. She's make me hot cocoa and talk with me. She'd talk about how much of a douche he was and everything would be okay. I turned on some music and sang along. "I'm searching for whatever's left of me, its on the ground, in a box that reads lost and found it's lost and found..." I sighed and got up to go get a glass of water. I returned to my bed and sat down. Pulling out my tablet, I began doodling. Without meaning to, it ended up being a picture of Austin. A tear fell down my face, followed by more. Looking around my room, I became curious. I went down to the kitchen. My parents were out, so the house was mine. I grabbed a kitchen knife and placed it a centimetre from my wrist, trying to decided if I should do it. I closed my eyes and drew in a breath, having made my decision.

A/N: I'm a douchebag, I know. I'm sorry. We're getting back to Mint, I just needed to work on some character development. Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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