In a Week

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*FEELS WARNING* Ah, but that's why we're here folks. Also some questionable language, be careful what you read in the internet kids.

Mint's POV

I woke up slowly to the dim light of the early morning. Looking around, I found that I wasn't in my room. Upon closer inspection, I saw a small hand in mine and smiled as I saw It was owned by Kayli. We must've fallen asleep. "Good morning." A small voice greeted me. "Good morning to you." I said back, happy to have finally gotten some sleep. I climbed out of the bed and saw myself in the mirror. I gasped in horror as my skin slowly peeled back. Kayli stood beside me and watched as my muscles and bones became exposed. She intertwined her fingers in mine and smiled. "This is our life now." She whispered in my ear. Suddenly, I couldn't breathe. Darkness enveloped us and I could see nothing and all I felt was my hand in her cold, blue one. "I still love you," Was the final whisper I heard before there was nothing.

I awoke with a gasp when I heard "Take Me to Church" come on to wake me up. I got up weakly and walked to the bathroom to splash some water and my face. Drying off, I went to my room and pulled on a hoodie and some jeans, and put my contact in and completed myself with eyeliner. I walked upstairs thinking of the dream I just had. I shivered, but it had nothing to do with the cold.

Kandy's POV

"Mornin mom," I said as I threw together some stuff for cereal. As I did this, I sang along to the tune of a song.

"I have never known peace like the
Damp grass that yields to me
I have never known hunger like these
Insects that feast on me
A thousand teeth, and yours among
Them, I know
Our hungers appeased, our heartbeats
Becoming slow
We'll lay here for years or for hours
Thrown here or found, to freeze or to
So long, we'd become the flowers
Two corpses we were, two corpses I saw
And they'd find us in a week
When the weather gets hot
After the insects have made their claim
I'll be home with you..."

My eyes widened when I realised I had no idea what that song was. A chill went down my spine, but I shrugged it off. Maybe I'd heard it somewhere. I grabbed my binder and backpack and left for the bus, ready to forget that happened.

Austin's POV

I sat on the floor and stared at the price of ripped paper from the drawing. I wonder if she wrote it. I had to ask. I searched for her when the busses cane, finding her at her locker. I tapped her on the shoulder, obviously startling her. She turned quickly and looked at me , confused. "Uhm, h-hi Austin." She stammered. I smiled brightly down at her butterflies spreading in me stomach. I blushed and looked down. "I uh, just wanted to say hello." I said quietly before retreating. Damn it! Why can't I talk to her? I used to all the time! She made me so nervous now!
The way she would blush when I talked to her or the way she always smiled so gently threw me off guard. She was so beautiful! I blushed deep crimson and smiled at the thought of her voice. God, she was perfect.

Mint's POV

I bounced to gym, super excited to see him. He drove me crazy thinking about him! While I was lost in thought, I bumped into someone and dropped all my books. It was Stella. She laughed and went I the locker room. Greg happened to be behind me, and handed me the book I dropped. "Thanks," I said, beaming at him. "No problem," he said back, smiling at me before making his way to the locker room. I blushed lightly and went to the girls' locker room. Getting dressed out, I sat on the bench and waited until we could leave. I ran to the dance studio where we would be dismissed to go outside, and sat down in my corner. To my enjoyment, next to me was the only place left to sit, and Greg just happened to be the last person left.

A/N: Wow okay shit goes down in this chapter, that's cool haha. Was it too short? What did we think? Sorry for the cliffhanger, it was fun c; Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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