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*TRIGGER WARNING* If you are sensitive to self harm or depression, this particular chapter may not be your cup o' tea. Proceed with caution and no one gets hurt. Oh wait. Also mild language okay sorry lets go

After getting through the rest of my school day, I climbed up on to the bus before finding a grumpy faced Stella motioning for my to come sit by her. Sliding into the twenty percent of the seat that wasn't occupied by her overstuffed binder, I shot her a half smile and put in my headphones. Blasting some Fall Out Boy, I leaned my head back and closed my eyes, hoping to erase the post school headache. A few minutes later, Stella nudges me and says, "This is my stop you noob." I pull out one headphone and laugh before grabbing my stuff and walking to the back of the bus, where I see an eight greater, built like a man, with dark curly hair showing under an electric blue beanie. Leaving my stuff where I was, I slipped into his seat to sit next to him, making him look up from his phone. He grinned without questioning even who I was. "Hello there!" I said, strangely comfortable around him. He just seemed to glow with a happy aura. He was like home. "Hi there," He replied with another smile. "Who might you be?" He said, curiosity lacing his tone at my appearance. He wore a navy blue shirt under a brown vest with a pair of worn jeans. He did not look at me as if I was a freak, but more like someone who was lost at the wrong concert, with my faded black t shirt with a cracked Scooby Doo logo in the middle, matched with my ripped black skinny jeans and my totally black converse, aside from musical notes I'd painted in white all over them. He was not tense, even okay with me, considering he looked totally at ease near me. This was a nice sight because that day I met few people who were not uncomfortable around me. I smiled at the thought. "I'm Melody, but you could call me Mint if you like." I said, though he felt like someone I had known all my life. Mint was a name I was called most of my life, along with many others I wouldn't dare speak of. It was supposed to be a derogatory term, referring to how cold I could be towards people, but honestly it kinda grew on me after four odd years. "Mint. I like it. My name's Oliver." He said, with another smile at me. It was then I noticed how truly tall he was. He towered a good six inches over me. Wow. The corner of my mouth turned up as I looked at him. His eyes were bright and the colour of hazelnut, and, despite his largeness, he had a round, childlike face. He broke my stare by gesturing outside. "Well Mint, this would be my stop. See you tomorrow!" He said as he took off my beanie and threw it into the seat. I scowled at him and he laughed before ruffling my hair and walking off of the school bus. I chuckled quietly to myself and put my beanie back on as the bus started. As I waited, I looked around the bus at the people who were left. There was a girl in my grade I recognised from my neighbourhood who lived next to me named Natalie, who had chestnut hair and dark eyes, with a hoodie, leggings, and bright mismatched knee high socks. There was a boy in sixth grade with pale blonde hair, dark blue eyes, and a round face who wore a blue hoodie and a pair of old jeans, who later on I learned was named Phoenix. There was another sixth grade boy next to Phoenix with dark skin and short curly hair wearing a green sweatshirt called Marcus, and finally a tiny seventh grade boy with short black hair and hazel eyes that had an obnoxious voice and made way too many inappropriate jokes. My stop came and I climbed off the bus behind everyone else and started my way up the hill to my house. It took forever, and honestly it wasn't worth it. I hated my house, and I hated Alaska and I hated my life. I opened the door and yelled, "MOM! I'M HOME!" Getting no answer, I climbed up the steps to see my mom watching television. "Do you want to know how my day was?" I asked, sad she was ignoring me. "Do your damned homework." Was her response. I grabbed my backpack and sprinted downstairs, tears blurring my vision as I slammed the door to my room and sank to the ground. I flung open my closet and found a wooden box. I pulled it down from the shelf and took it with me to the bathroom. Opening it, I found a shiny blade. I pulled it out and cradled it in my fingers. I hadn't used this blade since I was in the fifth grade. I pulled off my jeans and pressed the blade's tip into my thigh. I sighed at the feeling and watched a tiny bead of blood drip down to the counter. Following suit a tear did also. Dragging the blade slowly across my thigh, there was more of it splashing onto the floor. Balancing it out, more tears came. I repeated the motion on a different part of my thigh, laughing as I watched the sequence, my blood falling to the ground, and soon made lighter and lighter by my tears before more red came, darkening the last. I became dizzy soon so I dabbed at my cuts. None of them went deep into my skin, but each and everyone went deep into my heart. I smiled wryly at the thought of a heart, as I was told so many times I had none. Shaking off this thought I pulled on some sweat pants and wiped the floor clean. I went back to my room and started a new drawing of my friend Olliver and I. I smiled while I drew his silly grin and even laughed a little. For some reason, the memory of this newfound friend made me feel so much better. It wasn't until I thought of Kayli, though, until I truly felt okay again.

A/N: So what did we think? I made it a little shorter. Sorry if this is boring, but I have to introduce characters. It's okay cuz next chapter it's gonna go down. Love it? Hate it? Give me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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