She Deserved It

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Kayli's POV

Damn Minty for getting suspended. She was coming back today and I paced the entrance to school waiting for her to show up. Finally she walked in and I practically tackled her in a hug. She laughed and hugged me back, unashamed. I was supposed to be mad but honestly I was just happy to see her. "God I've missed you," She said, hugging me tightly. "Me too!" I said, smiling. She peeled me off of her and put her hands on my shoulders. "I'm coming over today." She says. I smiled. "Sounds good!" I said. We walk upstairs to our first period. She drops off her stuff and leaves. I stare after her, but stay put.

Mint's POV

I walked toward Austin's locker and find him standing nearby with his friends. He sees me and takes a step back. I put my hands in the air. "I just wanted to talk to you." I say. He looks untrustworthy towards me but follows me to a corner. "So, about Monday, I'm sorry I hit you, but you've been...making a friend of mine extremely upset and she...did something she shouldn't have done. I blamed you. I'm sorry." I said, hesitating before saying nothing else. He nodded and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and handed it to me. "For her." He said, before walking away. I walked back to English and handed her the paper before sliding into my seat with seconds to spare. She opened it and I saw her smile hugely from where I was. I grinned and looked down at the assignment, glad she was happy. She deserved it.

---•Time skip like the Doctor•---

Kayli's POV

I got home a started drawing immediately, having an idea for another drawing. About ten minutes in, I hear a musical knock on the door. I groan at the though of getting up from my comfortable position, but smile at the person behind the door. "Minty!!!" I said, grinning. She smiled at me and stepped inside, looking around. "We have some, business to get to." She says in a deep voice. I stare at her nervously before she bursts out laughing. I start laughing too. "Want some hot tea?" I ask her, walking to the kitchen. "Is that even a question?" She asks. "I'll take that as a yes," I say, pulling out some coffee mugs. "So I talked to Austin today." She said nervously. I froze for a minute before putting down the cups and running over to her, demanding her to recount what was said and when. She did so, and I finished making the tea. We went to my room and talked and cracked jokes. A lot of time I spent crying was now devoted to laughing with her. It was much better, and I was okay with that. Because I loved her.

A/N: Hoekyp so that was a bit short but I'm lazy and my fingers hurt and I want some damned hot tea okay. Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feed back so I can criticise your criticism!

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