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   WARNINGS:bxb/self harm/trigger scenes/rape/mentally and physical abuse/smut/touchy subjects/homophobia/age gape (five yrs)/top Tae & bttm Kook

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bxb/self harm/trigger scenes/rape/
mentally and physical abuse/
smut/touchy subjects/homophobia/
age gape (five yrs)/top Tae & bttm Kook

"Maybe we're married, but we're just with the name. Maybe we share the same roof, but we don't have to share the same feelings." the older one says in a cold voice, and the brown haired-boy just nods.

    Kim Taehyung is the owner of "Kim's industries", one of the most important companies in Korea. After a failed relationship that destroyed his trust, he no longer believes in love.

   Jeon Jungkook is a college student who was orphaned at an early age. When he needs to marry someone to save his father's company, the boy is caught in the middle, in a relationship full of loneliness and silence.

    But sometimes, the life has already something prepared for us, and we can't do anything else, but following her desires."

This is pure fiction!
Don't copy!



Jeon Jungkook(22 years old)

Jeon Jungkook(22 years old)

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Kim Taehyung( 27 years old)

Kim Taehyung( 27 years old)

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Min Yoongi(29 years old)

Park Jimin(23 years old)

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Park Jimin(23 years old)

Kim Namjoon(34 years old)

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Kim Namjoon(34 years old)

Kim Seokjin(33 years old)

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Kim Seokjin(33 years old)

Jung Hoseok( 24 years old)

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Jung Hoseok( 24 years old)

Jung Hoseok( 24 years old)

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Word count: 86,170

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