Phantom Troupe Headcanons

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A/N: btw this is about the original troupe the most, like if Paku, Shalnark, and Uvo and others were alive, unless I say differently :)

• Chrollo gives everyone books for their birthdays/Christmas/whatever. And everytime they open it they're like "a book. Gee... thanks😐"

• Nobunaga hates whoever takes Uvo's troupe number. It's just a bitter reminder that he died, and it pains Nobunaga

• No one knows if Machi and Shizuku are dating or not and Machi thinks it's hilarious. Shizuku doesn't understand what's going on

• Everyone hates Hisoka. Literally everyone. Whenever he opens his mouth they all roll their eyes and groan in disgust

• The troupe has a bet going if Chrollo is straight or not. Here's the grouping:
Paku, machi, nobunaga, shalnark, Kalluto, and Kortopi all think he's gay/bi/Pan/omni/etc
Feitan, phinks, Bonolenov, franklin, Shizuku, and Uvo all think he's straight

• Chrollo RARELY swears but whenever he does the entire troupe is just like 😧

• When the troupe hears Illumi and Hisoka are engaged, they can't stop fucking laughing

• No body knows if Machi dyes her hair or somehow it's naturally pink but she refuses to tell anyone the truth. Also- not a hc but- Machi would look SO. GOOD. With a wolf cut

• They all treat Kalluto like a normal member, not like a child or someone less superior than them, and he really appreciates them for that

• I don't think anyone else is gonna see it this way but when a troupe member dies, Chrollo doesn't feel remorseful. Each member knows what they're signing up for, violence and probable death and all. So he doesn't feel bad or responsible when they die. He makes large scale temper tantrums when someone kills a troupe member just to prove how strong they are and not to be messed with. It's for posterity, not because he cares. Like with Uvo, he did that big thing where they trashed the city because it fit into his plans of a) trying teaching kurapika not to mess with them and b) giving them an opportunity to fake their death. Whereas with Paku's death, it was pretty much suicide and they had other things to worry about so they didn't do anything about it. Another reason why I don't like Chrollo apart from he looks like off brand Michael Scott, he sees people only as pawns to serve him, not actually people

• Every one loves Shizuku. I don't make the rules

• I don't know why but I can see Machi and Phinks fighting A. LOT. Like nearly everyday

Hxh head cannons! Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu