Core Four Headcanons (roommate version)

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• Gon makes them have like 20 houseplants and Leorio and Kurapika are the ones who end up having to take care of them

• Leorio is VERY superstitious and has a whole routine he has to do on test days. If any of the three mess it up, he gets furious and thinks he's gonna fail

• Gon and Killua absolutely love playing pranks on Leorio

• Gon always wants to play board games, video games, talk, just do anything with the three of them and it's sometimes annoying but also extremely endearing

• Whenever Leorio gets invited out somewhere by his med school friends, he always says "sorry I cant- I gotta get back to my family"

• Gon breaks up Leorio and Kurapika's fights and Killua eggs them on

• The first time Leorio and Kurapika hear Gon swear all hell breaks loose. Literally pray for him

• Leorio is the only one who can drive (well) and chauffeurs everyone around

• Leorio makes the other three quiz him and they have a whole system that makes it fun for everyone. Kurapika is the one reading questions and when Leorio gets one wrong, Gon and Killua spray him with water guns

• They've lost their keys to the apartment more times then they can count

• The amount of animals Gon tries to smuggle into the apartment is unhealthy. Kurapika and Leorio catch him every time and Killua keeps track of how many times he's failed. He won't stop trying though

• Gon and Killua try to distract Leorio during his zoom classes and Kurapika tries to keep him on task and focused. It's extremely chaotic and I sympathize for Leorio

• They play poker but instead of money, they use chips or food or chocorobos. Gon is really good for some reason and usually wins. No one understands why he's so good

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