Greed Island Arc Headcanons

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A/N: most of these are just jokes. Fun times!

• Gon absolutely coddled Killua when his hands were bandaged and did everything for him. It made Killua equally annoyed and happy

• When Killua revealed how horrible his family was and his abuse, Bisky wanted to kill whoever did that to him

• Gon really liked sleeping under the stars every night. It reminded him of Whale Island

• In the romantic city, Bisky definitely tried to set up Gon and Killua together

• Also in the romantic city, Killua had to keep both Gon and Bisky on short leashes. Obviously Killua was being jealous and protective of Gon who just wanted to talk to and help everyone. Bisky on the other hand just wanted to run off and hook up with every man in the city. Killua had to babysit them both

• Gon and Killua definitely had a running tally to see who could collect the most cards (cards collected together didn't count)

• Gon feels so bad for putting Killua through pain during the dodgeball match. But everyone knows Killua was the only one who Gon could've trusted fully to do that

• Bisky definitely knows Killua has a crush on Gon

• Gon got really attached to the necklace he was wearing all the time

• Gon and Killua 100% made fun of Bisky for having a whole ass obsession with a pedophilic clown🙄

• Gon got really worried about Killua at the very beginning when he got hit by that card/spell and probably kept asking if he was ok every two seconds

• Killua, Gon, and Bisky DEFINITELY made fun of how Genthru looked after they fought him bye-

• Gon definitely holds the fact that he beat Killua in the ending trivia over his head

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