Kite Headcanons

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A/N: Can I tell you guys how much I love Kite? Comfort character asf. I would sell my SOUL for a hug from him.
I don't cry like, ever. But I bawled my mcFuckin eyes out when he died and when Pitou was like "he's dead I Cant bring him back" I screamed so loud ok ANYWAYS let's go

• He loves reading. Absolutely loves it. He probably has 5-10 books on him at any given time. He loves academic biology/science books and also probably introspective and personal stories as well

• He usually hates people playing with his hair but he let Gon and Killua play with it occasionally

• Kite admires Ging in a professional way but in every other way, he despises him. I've touched in this in previous HC's but Kite's parents abandoned him when he was younger. So when he discovered Ging did the same to Gon, he was absolutely pissed. I think that's why they split

• He keeps journals and notes of all his adventures and places he's traveled to

• Kite is 100% the mom/therapist of the group. He always has a first aid kit, will listen, help you with anything, etc. He seems kinda cold and reserved at first but he's really just shy and once he opens up to you, he would do anything for you

• He writes in cursive/calligraphy. But not sloppy cursive, really nice, literate cursive

• He loves Gon and Killua so much. Like, not really a HC but I would just like to point out how he was a better father figure to them in 10 episodes than either of their dads in the entire show🙄

• He takes AMAZING care of his hair. Like, professional shampoo and conditioner, silk pillowcase, etc

• The only reason Kite kept telling Gon and Killua that he wouldn't save them and kept warning them not to get into trouble, is because he knew he'd save them. He knew he'd sacrifice himself to save them and he didn't want to die. But he knew he would if it came down to it

• He drinks tea religiously. Every morning, afternoon, and night. Black tea in the morning, Green in the afternoon, and Chamomile at night

• Kite, in his reincarnated form, has extreme body issues and just wishes he wasn't reincarnated at all. He still goes be he/him pronouns and hates when people call him she/her, girl, sweetheart (etc)

• He puts his hair up in a high bun/ponytail when he does anything that might cause his hair to get in the way. But he's always losing his hair ties and has to borrow from the other people in his group

• He's asexual (me too!)

• Crazy Slots and Kite are literally best friends who have a love-hate relationship. Sometimes, Kite summons him just to talk/ for company

• It's a fact that nen doesn't vanish when the user dies. It only becomes stronger. That means Crazy Slots was still summoned and "alive" to watch Kite's death

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