Random Angsty Headcanons (TW)

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(TW): death, emotion suppression and unhealthy coping mechanisms, poor self worth/value, violence, self-harming actions or thoughts,

• I feel like eventually, Illumi will be the one to kill Hisoka, and afterwards he won't be able to identify why but he's gonna feel really sad/empty

• Leorio is 100% the person who just ignores and suppresses his feelings and puts them aside because he has other people to support and he sees himself as less important than other people

• Similarly, Leorio only values himself when he's being useful to others. Same with Gon. Someone please tell them that they are worth more than what they can do for others

• Whenever someone tells Gon anything bad about Ging or his parenting styles, Gon gets pissed. He thinks that if he can forgive him, everyone else should be able to. And he thinks that people shouldn't have any say in him and Ging's relationship

• Kinda similar to the last one, I think Mito and Gon would fight about Ging a lot. Especially when they run off together to go exploring, Mito and him fight a lot about it and him being a HORRIBLE person and parent. Mito tells him that he's gonna leave him just like he did when he was a baby and just like she left her when she was a little girl and it pisses Gon off. Obviously she's just doing it for his benefit and to protect him but Gon sees it as her trying to take away his dad again

• I feel like Leorio would be in therapy for excessive stress and learning good coping mechanisms and Killua and Kurapika would make fun of him for it (even though they need it too like stfu)

• I feel like Kurapika would be a MAJOR maladaptive dreamer. He imagines what it'd be like if clan hadn't died and he dreams of living a happy life with Leorio and Killua and Gon. It often disrupts his day to day life, and he gets really sucked into these fantasies

• Can you guys imagine if Kurapika gouged his own eyes so the the phantom troupe wouldn't be able to get their hands on them? 

• Gon obviously doesn't know how to let his anger/emotions out in healthy ways so he ends up just either hitting/punching himself when he's overly emotional and wants it to stop, or he does stuff like dunking his head underwater and screaming. Stuff that doesn't have any impact on other people but does have an impact on him (borderline self-harm)

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