Cute Leopika Headcanons

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• They call each other babe/baby and other super cheesy nick-names ironically and as a joke

• Kurapika doesn't know how to tie a tie so Leorio does it for him (picture him pulling on his tie afterwards and kissing him on the forehead I'm dying)

• Kurapika likes to steal Leorio's glasses and do horrible impressions of him

• When Kurapika is being stubborn, Leorio picks him up, slings him over his shoulder, and walks off

• Kurapika smiles every. damn. time. Leorio calls him sunshine or pika

• Kurapika likes to lay on Leorio's chest and just listen to his heartbeat

• Leorio will rant to Kurapika about medical school, his teachers, or discoveries in the medical field and Kurapika will just sit there and actively listen to him. He thinks it's adorable how passionate Leorio is about the medical field and school

• They have matching mugs

• Leorio is always reminding Kurapika to take care of himself and without him, Kurapika just wouldn't do it/remember to do it

• They love thrift shopping together and Leorio will come up behind Kurapika and put huge hats on him or just weird items he finds

• When Leorio is trying to tell Kurapika something to reassure him but he isn't listening/doesn't believe him, he'll cup his hands around Kurapikas face and then speak to make sure he understands he's telling the truth

• They walk with Kurapika's hand wrapped around Leorio's arm (think like when people offer their arm to escort someone, they walk like that everywhere)

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