Core Four Headcanons (roomate version)

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• NONE of them know how to leave a fucking tip when they order food or takeout. Killua just spends money too freely, and gives them $100 tip for a $20 meal. Leorio doesn't give tips. Ever. Kurapika always gives too much because he wants to be nice/have good manners. Gon just doesn't understand how the math of tips work, that you're supposed to give 15% of the meal's value as a tip. He gives like a $50 tip for a $20 meal. Someone teach them. Please.

• Pillow fights are a nightly occurrence, especially between Gon, Killua, and Leorio (who's really just trying to defend himself. His kids are ruthless)

• Either Gon or Killua slipping up and calling Leorio dad by accident? And then him bursting into tears afterwards? Yeah.

• One night they'd just be sitting and having dinner and talking and suddenly Gon makes that comment about how he went on a bunch of dates with "cougars" and how they "taught him things". Leorio and Kurapika just have to tell him that that's not okay and he is a victim and he's like 😀what (stop this made me so sad for no reason)

• Gon regularly calls Mito and when he does, she always asks to say hi to the other three and has full on conversations with them about Leorio's medical school, Kurapika's search for his clan's eyes and fight against the troupe, Killua's life in general (and she's sometimes like "have you asked him out yet???" HDBEJD I LOVE HER). And she really and genuinely cares about all of them and sends them presents for their bdays or holidays and stuff

• I think I've already said this a little bit but they go to the grocery store and spend so much money there (or use their licenses) because Gon and Killua eat them out of house and home

• Gon always makes an effort to make the holidays extra special for the other three, considering they never really got to experience any holidays themselves

• Gon and Killua always are whining and complaining and asking when dinner is lmao

• Their walls are super thin and they can hear all their neighbors. Killua and Leorio love listening in on the gossip and know all about what their neighbors are going through, Gon thinks it's wrong, and Kurapika pretends not to care but is secretly invested

• Gon and Leorio both love having flowers in the apartment at all times

• They fight for rights of the big TV in the living room way too Often

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