My Character Sexualities and Pronouns headcanons

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A/N: there's definitions of the sexualities at the bottom if you need it :) also please don't get upset over these, these are just my ideas but feel free to respectfully disagree with me in the comments I wanna know what others think!

Gon: he/him, Pan

Killua: he/him, GAY MESS also demiromantic and demisexual

Kurapika: he/him, gay

Leorio: he/him, definitely bi

Hisoka: any pronouns, will fuck anything that moves but prefers children and illumi UDHEH

Illumi: he/him, homophobic and gay

Kite: he/they, definitely panromantic and asexual

Ging: he/him, Pan Pan Pan Pan (possibly aromantic?)

Bisky: she/her, straight but possibly bi-curious

Wing: he/him, straight

Zushi: he/him, straight

Alluka: she/her, straight

Kalluto: he/him, aro and ace or I also see him as aro and pansexual

Milluki: he/him, I have NO idea

Zeno: he/him, I honestly think he liked Netero lowkey sooo let's say bi with a heavy preference for women

Silva: he/him, straight

Kikyo: she/her, straight

Canary: she/her, lesbian

Amane: she/her, lesbian

Chrollo: he/him but wouldn't mind they/them, heterosexual but possibly bi-romantic

Machi: she/her, lesbian

Shizuku: she/her, bi with a preference for women

Kortopi: he/him/it/it's, aro and ace

Uvo: he/him also I see him not minding neo pronouns (it/it's), either pan or straight

Phinks: nor/mal, super straight *insert hey mamas face* I'M KIDDING- he/him, straight

Shalnark: he/him but wouldn't complain if called him any other pronouns, gay

Pakunoda: she/her, lesbian

Franklin: he/they, straight

Feitan: he/him, asexual and aromatic

Nobunaga: he/they, gay

Knuckle: he/they, Pan

Shoot: he/him but is ok with they/them too, homoromatic and demisexual

Palm: she/her, straight with a preference for men who have 0 interest in her and children IFHEJJE can you tell I hate her

Mito: she/her, cottage core lesbian

Netero: he/him, ace and aro

Pariston: any pronouns, gay

Melody: she/her, Pan

Pokkle: he/him, straight

Ponzu: she/her, straight

Sexuality definitions:
Gay: non-women identifying people who are attracted to non women identifying people
Lesbian: non-man identifying people who are attracted to other non-man identifying people
Bisexual (bi): a person who is attracted to 2+ genders
Pansexual (pan): a person who is attracted to people in general, has nothing to do with their gender or genetailia
Omnisexual: a person who is attracted to all genders but can have a preference
(***All of the above can also be used to explain both sexual and romantic attraction towards their preferred group but it can also be used to explain solely sexual attraction and not romantic attraction preferences)
Biromantic (bi): a person who is romantically but not sexually attracted to 2+ genders
Panromantic (pan): a person who is romantically but not sexually attracted to anyone and does not depend on their gender
Homoromantic: a person who is romantically attracted but not always sexually attracted to their same gender
Hetroromantic: a person who is romantically but not always sexually attracted to their opposite gender
Asexual (ace): a person who does not experience sexual attraction
Aromantic (aro): a person who does not experience romantic attraction
(Ace and aro are not always mutually exclusive nor are they a package deal, there are also other types of attraction like aesthetic, platonic, etc, that ace or aro people can experience)
Demisexual: a person who only feels sexual attraction after a deep and personal bond has been established
Demiromantic: a person who only feels romantic attraction after a deep and personal bond has been established
Straight: a person who is attracted to the opposite gender
(A/N: Also those are just my definitions for the sexualities, if I'm wrong correct me please and I'm sorry if they were a little confusing)

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