Zoldyk Family Headcanons (TW)

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TW: mentions of abuse, and the general topics surrounding the fucked up lives of the Zoldyks

• Illumi just wants to have a close relationship with Killua and his other siblings but is scared of the repercussions that he and his siblings will face if he does

• Kyoko was forced to marry Silva and that robotic part in her face is actually controlling her into playing the mom/wife roll

• I think Illumi was the first one to introduce Killua to Chocobros. He would bring him back a box after every job. And Killua doesn't remember that this is how he came to love them but Illumi definitely does

• Alluka is scared Killua will leave her for Gon and Gon is scared Killua will leave him for Alluka. Little do they know, Killua loves them both so much (obviously) and he'll never leave them (even though he already did leave Gon at the end but we IGNORE IT)

• As the first born, Illumi probably got the brunt of any and all abuse, and it's most likely the reason he's colder and crueler than the rest of his siblings

• Besides Milluki who spends 24/7 in his room, Kalluto is left all alone with his mom and dad. He resents his siblings for escaping and leaving him all alone there, knowing what could happen to him and what he would have to endure. He tries to not resent them because he's happy that they got away from the abuse but he can't help it

• Part of the reason (not the only reason but a contributing factor nonetheless) that Alluka is trans is because nanika is a female entity, so she picks up on her feminine energy too

• After all the kids are gone and they all resent their parents, I think Silva and Kyoko might finally start to realize that they did the wrong thing to their children. It's unlikely but possible

• Kyoko probably really wanted a daughter and that's why she dressed Kalluto in such feminine clothing. But, as soon as Alluka revealed she's trans, she wasn't accepting of it and Alluka knew how much she wanted a daughter so she thought she might be accepting. But we all know, she wasn't. Alluka still wonders why she refused to accept her

• Kalluto respects Alluka's pronouns and thinks it was wrong to imprison her but didn't dare say anything out of fear for his well-being (understandably)

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