Cute Leopika Headcanons

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• Leorio writes Kurapika compliments on notes and leaves them places for him to find

• Whenever Leorio falls asleep on the couch, Kurapika will put a blanket over him and take his glasses off for him

• On the anniversary of Kurapika's clan's death, Leorio and him go back to his village to pay his respect and Leorio is there to support him and make sure he's okay

• Kurapika picks Leorio up from work and drives him home when he has late nights/late shifts and can hardly stay awake

• Leorio makes them both coffee and breakfast in the morning and refuses to let Kurapika leave until he eats something. Leorio's cooking is still not very good, but Kurapika will eat it with a plastered on smile because he doesn't have the heart to tell him his pancakes are half-burnt

• Leorio dances to old music in the kitchen when he makes the coffee/breakfast and Kurapika will just watch him with the most loving expression on his face

• Anytime Kurapika compliments Leorio, (which is rare that he overtly compliments him in a genuine way), Leorio turns into a blushing, stuttering mess and can no longer function (Leorio 🤝 Killua)

• The first time Leorio saw Kurapika in a suit, he almost went fucking feral and now he eternally wants Kurapika to wear a suit

• Anytime Kurapika is doing/consuming something unhealthy, Leorio is like "what do you think you're doing?" And Kurapika is just like "aha... uh... nothing..?"

• Kurapika always knows exactly what to say to encourage Leorio, and vice versa. They're really good at picking each other up and encouraging them to keep going and doing what they're doing (but Leorio is better at it)

• Leorio brushes Kurapika's hair when it gets tangled

• Leorio always likes to be extremely close or touching Kurapika (like holding his hand or sitting so close their shoulders are touching). Leorio doesn't know the reason why he does it but it would be because he's so scared of Kurapika leaving again or dying on him that he likes to have the reassurance he's here and he's okay

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