Core Four Headcanons (angst and happy)

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• When Kurapika tells Leorio that his nen ability is slowly killing him, they both agree to hide it from Gon and Killua. Yes, Gon and Killua know that the chain around his heart will kill him if he uses his special chains on anyone besides the troupe, but they don't know he'll die because of his nen eventually. When they do find out, they're absolutely pissed at Leorio and Kurapika for not telling them and for treating them like children when they've been through so much together

• Whenever they go out to eat or do something, they always spend at least an hour just trying to decide where to go or what to do

• They're all obviously very protective of each other. Ex: Whenever someone makes fun of Kurapika's more feminine appearance, the other three will threaten them to stop and would fight them if needed

• They all have a piece of jewelry or something with a charm or piece of something that reminds them of the other three. Let me explain- Kurapika has his red earring on one side and on the other side, he has an earring with green, light blue, and navy blue gems to resemble all other three. Leorio has three smiley face stickers, one green, one red, and one light blue, on his doctor badge/ID. Gon has three woven bracelets, one navy blue, one red and one light blue. Killua also has earrings but he has his triples, one green, one navy and one red

• They all agree to meet up for the York New election every year

• Gon and Killua went to Leorio's graduation and congratulated him and stuff. They didn't think Kurapika would show up but he did and that was the first time they saw him after York New

• If they went to school (like normal teenagers) I feel like they would each have one subject and extracurricular they would excel at. I think Gon would be so good at science (especially natural sciences) and would probably do track and field, cross country, or volleyball (or probably all 3 knowing Gon). Killua would definitely excel at either math or psychology and I think he'd major in psychology (probably inspired by Alluka having similar symptoms to DID) and he would play basketball for sure. Kurapika would be amazing at english and I think he'd be on some academic decathlon team or something. Leorio, we all know, would do anatomy or medical stuff and he would definitely lead the sports med team (idk if anyone else's school has this but it's a group of students who go to sports games and stuff and help out the doctors on site)

• I think Kurapika keeps his birthday secret from the other three because he doesn't want a day focused on him and he thinks birthdays are a waste of time. The other three, of course, randomly pick a day and celebrate it as Kurapika's birthday but he still won't tell them when it is

• They've gone to group therapy before and the therapist was literally shocked about how screwed up they all are

• Killua is mad at Kurapika when they first reunite because he wasn't there for Gon. Leorio is obviously pissed too but Gon isn't mad at all. He's just happy to see Kurapika and that he's ok

• Gon takes the other three to Whale Island one time. They meet Mito, explore, camp, etc. They all have so much fun that on top of the York New Auction becoming an annual meet up, they also vow to meet up on the island once a year in the summer

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