Kalluto Headcanons (requested)

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A/N: this was requested! I love Kalluto, he's so underrated. If anyone has any other characters they want me to do HCs for, just comment and I'll try my best :)

• I feel like Kalluto would be an amazing singer and have a super high and angelic voice

• We've obviously seen Silva's eyes (blue) and how Alluka and Killua both inherited that eye color. Milluki and Illumi have black eyes. Kalluto is the only one with purple eyes/ a different eye color than black or blue. I think Kalluto either inherited Kikyo's eye color (we never see them so her eyes are probably black or purple) or his eye color is a rare trait. Not really a HC but I think it's kinda cool

• Kalluto and Killua were probably really close when they were younger. Being his mother's favorite was probably one of the major stressors on their relationship. Kikyo being so overprotective of Kalluto and being super abusive towards Killua probably polarized their relationship. That's why now, Kalluto is super jealous of Alluka and their relationship and just wants to be close with Killua again

• Kalluto is 10 years old in the anime, and is already super talented with nen. Just imagine how long he's been training and how young he started. I think he started so early to try and gain recognition and praise from his family

• Kalluto is the child that is often overlooked, birthdays aren't celebrated, presents for holidays are always forgotten, and his mom is probably the only one who notices him at all

• The phantom troupe really takes Kalluto under their wing. They absolutely love him and praise him a lot, unlike his family. Kalluto doesn't like it at first because he isn't used to it. But he grows to like it and really fits in. Found family trope things (my favorite trope)

• Kalluto is often called "sweetheart" or "honey" like he's a young girl when in public places. He absolutely hates it and when the trope hears this they go ballistic on whoever calls him this

• I see Kalluto being really good with animals, dogs and cats especially

• Kalluto is super observant and smart. He takes in information best through observational learning and just listens and watches from afar. This makes him extremely dangerous, being able to be in plain sight and be a huge threat, and being able to pick out the best time to attack

• Kalluto, being super observant and a good listener, LOVES gossip and drama and goes out of his way to overhear fun and interesting details

• Kalluto dresses feminine for two reasons.
1- his mom likes it and it makes her happy/ easier to get along with
2- he sees how much attention Alluka is getting from Killua for being female and dressing feminine, so he does so too to try to get attention from Killua (not attention a weird way, in a brother-sister bond way)

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