Random Cute Headcanons

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• Killua is a VERY light sleeper

• Shalnark drinks caprisuns (I'm laughing so hard at this one- I can see him spending all his money he got from missions and buying caprisuns)

• Kite would definitely smell like mint and eucalyptus

• Wing gives Zushi gold stars when he has really good training days. Zushi keeps them all

• Gon uses children's toothpaste, bubble gum flavored

• Leorio listens strictly to Nicki Minaj and Doja Cat, but only when he's alone (I cant stop fucking laughing about this one)

• Machi would be the cool wine aunt

• Illumi only eats very plain food, Hisoka only eats spicy/sweet/flavorful food

• Killua and Alluka have tea parties where Alluka dresses Killua up in dresses and tiaras etc (just imagine Gon, Kurapika, or Leorio walking in HDBEHEB)

• Gon lets Alluka do his makeup

• Alluka is the girl who listens to Claro and Girl in Red and knows every word to every song, but is straight

• Kite would absolutely love Barnes and Noble and if hxh was in real life, he would probably work there

• Killua does Alluka's hair before outings and does it REALLY well. He's a master of French braiding and cute hair styles

• Pakunoda takes people on spa days when they're upset


Hxh head cannons! Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora