Angsty Killugon Headcanons (TW)

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TW: self harm/ suicidal actions and/or thoughts,

• Killua, being the closed off and suspicious person he is, has an extremely hard time making bonds and relationships with people. Gon is one of the only people he's been able to do so with, and he is extremely unique to him. Gon on the other hand, being the outgoing and friendly person he is, could have formed this bond with anyone. It's just kinda sad to think how special Gon is to Killua but Gon could have made this bond with anyone and it just happened to be Killua

• I totally see them getting into a huge fight, like possibly violent fight, about Gon's recklessness and treatment of Killua in the CAA. They make up but it was a bad fight

• They are both horrible at determining when the other person is super upset and on the verge of a breakdown. Gon is, as we all know, unaware of his impact on others, is pretty oblivious to other's feelings, and is just not the brightest bulb in the box (I still love him). This makes it hard for him to discern how Killua feels. He also puts up a hapoy and positive front all the time, making it hard for Killua to figure out when he's upset. Theyre also horrible at communicating and have no idea how to talk about their feelings

• After they split, Gon turned to "Killua" to tell him something but then realized he wasn't there. That's when he realized he made the wrong choice and missed Killua

• I feel like Killua would continually push Gon away, fearing he isn't good enough for Gon and that he deserves a better friend. Gon tries to stay by Killua's side but he gets sick of it and leaves him/fights with him

• Every time Killua hears a love song or a sad love song, he thinks of Gon and how he'll probably ever like him back (ow this one hurt)

• Can we just imagine how fucked up Gon would be if Killua had actually died in the CAA and Ikalgo didn't save him? We saw how we reacted from Kite's death, much less to his best friend's death and their last interaction was lowkey a fight everyone stfu. He would have lost his fucking shit and then probably died because Killua/Alluka wouldn't be there to save him

• I feel like after seeing Killua almost kill himself, (in the movie) Gon wouldn't even put two and two together or realize that he was trying to commit suicide. And if he did, he would feel immense guilt and think it's all his fault

• Gon sometimes gets upset and scared that Killua is genuinely embarrassed of him and doesn't wanna be with him

Hxh head cannons! حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن