Cute Killugon Headcanons

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• Each has one of their ears pierced, Killua always wears a green earring and Gon wears a blue one

• When Killua cries (which is usually from nightmares, PTSD, etc) Gon tries to make him laugh and makes him chocolate flavored things to distract him

• Later on in life, Killua and Gon get a dog and a cat and the cat likes Gon more and the dog likes Killua better for some reason and it pisses both of them off (Killua wanted the cat and Gon wanted the dog)

• They love looking at funny photos or movies etc and being like "this is you" "no no no this one is you"

• Gon has chocorobos at his house just in case Killua spontaneously visits him

• Their first "date" was lowkey really awkward but it got better the longer they dated

• Contrary to popular belief, I think Gon is the first to confess his feelings because Killua swore to never confess as to not ruin their friendship or make things awkward. But Gon didn't think about it that deep so as soon as he realized he loved Killua he told him

• Gon gets taller than Killua and it drives him insane. Whenever Killua and Gon are arguing, Gon pulls the "I'm taller than you!" card and thinks that automatically makes him right

• Every time Gon goes to the store, he gets Killua chocorobos

• We all know how competitive they are and I think they'd have a running tally of all their competitions and who's winning

• They do matching Halloween costumes every year. Sometimes Leorio and Kurapika join in and the four all do matching but it's usually just Gon and Killua

• Gon likes to wear Killua's hoodies and Killua pretends to get mad when Gon takes them from his closet but he secretly finds it adorable

• Their favorite shows to watch together are definitely those comedy ones like The Office or Brooklyn-99, etc. When one of them (usually Gon) watches it without the other they get pissed

• When Gon was with Ging, he would send Killua pictures of things that reminded him of Killua or things that he would like

• Gon makes breakfast for them everyday or they go out for breakfast

• Killua always has the hardest time picking out presents for Gon (like birthday, holiday, etc) but Gon has the easiest time picking them out for Killua and always gets him the best presents. Whenever Killua gets Gon a bad present, he tries really hard to pretend he likes it but he's a horrible liar

• They love playing and dancing in the rain

• Gon definitely has a frog hat and bought one for Killua too

• Every time Gon swears, Killua looses his mind and he's like "what the fuck, Gon, you can't say things like that,"

• Every time they watch horror movies, Gon leans on Killua or grabs on to him and Killua nearly dies each time

• Gon is really good at cooking and Killua is, well, not. But Killua wants to help Gon somehow so Gon just has him cutting up stuff and stirring stuff

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