Random Fun Headcanons

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• You can't tell me Melody doesn't give the absolute best hugs. So does Pakunoda. And for some reason, I think Uvogin (would've) too

• Whenever someone is yelling at Killua, he just sits there, stone faced like the lil bastard child he is (love him tho!)

• Pakunoda would definitely be the type of person to read self help books and would take what she learns from the books and uses it for advice for others

• Chrollo would have a planner with all the phantom troupe's jobs and stuff

• Whenever it rains, Killua refuses to use an umbrella because he thinks it looks stupid

• Alluka loves playing with Killua's hair and putting bows, clips, etc in it. Killua lowkey hates it but he just sits there and lets it happen. Of course he'd never say no to Alluka, tf?

• Chrollo uses teeth whiting strips. So does Leorio. And Leorio is constantly chewing gum

• Kurapika, whenever he texts back, only texts in abbreviations. Wtf, ttyl, gtg, stfu, you know- the works

• Gon absolutely LOVES wearing fuzzy socks

• Leorio uses Axe Body Spray instead of showering 😐

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