Angsty Leopika Headcanons (TW)

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TW: mentions of anxiety, depression, anxiety/panic attacks, invalidation of sexualities

• When Kurapika is having an anxiety/panic attack or a crazed revenge-hungry episode, Leorio just gives him the biggest bear hug ever and Kurapika resists and hits him and pushes him away at first. But eventually he melts right into his embrace and either starts crying or falling sleep or both and Leorio just holds him

• Leorio has dreams about Kurapika's death by his chains or by fighting the spiders. When this happens he holds Kurapika in his sleep (thinks Kurapika is asleep but is actually awake and he holds him right back)

• Leorio told Kurapika off when he was drunk once. It was about how Kurapika just left them, how he's selfish, how he doesn't care about anything except revenge, etc. Leorio was really drunk so he forgot that it happened but Kurapika remembers every word and carries it with him everyday

• Leorio confessed to Kurapika while drunk and while yelling at him for being selfish. It probably went something like this: "You are so selfish! I can't believe you! I can't believe you have your head so far up your own ass that you can't see I'm desperately and utterly in love with you!"

• When Leorio finds out Kurapika is slowly killing himself with his nen, he begs Kurapika to stop and bawls his eyes out. Kurapika refuses to and tells him he can't do anything about it now. This almost breaks them up and they stop talking for weeks. Leorio eventually realizes he has to spend the most time he can with Kurapika and they get back together but Leorio hasn't really gotten over it

• The first thing Leorio said to Kurapika after Gon's accident was: "He was there for you every time you needed him. When your eyes were stolen. When you needed him in York New. During the hunter exam. And you couldn't be here when he was dying? You're selfish, Kurapika."

• It pisses Kurapika off (and also concerns him) how much Leorio drinks but anytime he tries to bring it up, Leorio always brings up a worse habit of Kurapikas. Usually he brings up his chain around his heart, his inability to sleep, the fact he's a workaholic, a deadbeat friend, overly emotional, obsessed with revenge, etc.

• Leorio gets easily jealous and it really pisses Kurapika off

• Back to my point that Kurapika only sleeps well when Leorio is there, obviously sometimes Leorio has super late nights at the hospital and he isn't home. When this happens, Kurapika can't sleep and stays up all night thinking about his clan, the troupe, how he thinks Leorio deserves better, etc.

• When Kurapika finally returns after getting his clans eyes back and stuff, Leorio does not let Kurapika out of his sight for like weeks straight. He's terrified that Kurapika will just leave again and he won't ever come back and it makes Kurapika sad (more so mad at himself for making Leorio feel that way) but he understands Leorio's point of view

• Someone made fun of Leorio and said that he only likes Kurapika because he looks like a girl and that he's just straight. This made both of them really upset and confused even though it's obviously not true

• Kurapika took Leorio back to his home village and was super emotional

• Leorio tells Kurapika every little thing that happens on his voicemails, which he leaves him at the end of each day. He thinks Kurapika doesn't listen to them so he even talks about embarrassing stuff, how much he misses him, how much he loves Gon and Killua, etc. He does it because it's almost like talking to Kurapika, even though he knows he isn't. Little does Leorio know, Kurapika listens to every single voicemail and it's the only thing that's helping Kurapika through his day

• Leorio takes a lot of photos of Kurapika because the first time he left, he didn't have any photos of him and started to forget what he looked like. If he leaves again, he wants to have something to remember him by

• They have a list of all the things they wanna do and places they wanna go before Kurapika dies

• In any free time Leorio has when he isn't with Kurapika or working, he is researching ways to save Kurapika from his nen and has so far found nothing helpful but won't stop searching

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