Random Fun Headcanons

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• Killua has an extensive skincare routine

• Aunt Mito loves Killua, Kurapika, and Leorio and always asks Gon when they're coming to visit

• Illumi loves to let Hisoka make card towers all the way to the top, so that it only needs one or two more cards, and then knock it down before Hisoka can finish it

• Illumi sometimes lets Hisoka play with his hair

• Gon (and Mito) had thanksgiving at his house one year and invited Killua, Kurapika, Leorio, Ging, Bisky, Wing, Zushi, and Kite and it was the most interesting event to ever take place. Kite, Mito, and Ging were all arguing and fighting (Kite was trying to mediate and save Ging), Bisky, Wing, Leorio, and Kurapika were getting drunk and telling stories about Gon and Killua. Killua, Gon, and Zushi were fighting a foxbear or some shit in the forest

• Gon is afraid of sharks, I can't explain why but he just is

• Bisky doesn't like Kurapika and Leorio and no one knows why

• Every time Kurapika has taken his drivers test, he's failed and he sucks at driving

• Zushi definitely thought Killua and Gon were dating/ had a crush on each other

• Hisoka shaves his legs

• Zepile and Leorio definitely hooked up while drunk and it was Leorio's first kiss with a guy

• Aunt Mito definitely ships Killua and Gon and even though Gon hasn't come out to Mito, she's always known and has always supported him

• When Kite was asleep, Gon and Killua would play with his hair

• Leorio and Kurapika really love Alluka and think she's adorable. Leorio completely spoils her with anything she wants and when she's around, suddenly money isn't a problem. Killua gets mad at them every time they take her for a shopping spree because he doesn't want them to make her into a brat

• Killua writes poems and short stories but has never told anyone, even Gon or Alluka

• Gon is really good at video games (especially fighting games) but doesn't enjoy them too much because he loses interest quickly

• Canary and Amane are definitely dating/something

• Killua and Gon met up with Zushi for a reunion and they brought Alluka and they definitely fell in love. Killua gave Zushi the whole big brother thing and threatened him while Gon thinks they'd be the cutest thing ever. Killua constantly teases Alluka about her crush on Zushi

• Gon talks in his sleep

• Kurapika is really good at keeping plants alive when he tries but he's usually always at work so they die a few days after getting them

• Killua and Gon are really comfortable in their masculinity and wear whatever they want. Killua grew up where cross-dressing and unique attire was worn by everyone (ex: Kalluto's kimono, Illumi and Silva's long hair, etc) so he doesn't have a problem wearing dresses when playing with Alluka or whatever. Gon just doesn't see the issue at all with boys wearing dresses/skirts/makeup and does it himself sometimes. I mean, Gon was raised by our queen Mito, of course he is gonna be respectful and knowledgeable

• Mito is a cottage core lesbian my mind won't be changed

• Alluka definitely ships Killua and Gon and always tells Killua this

• Killua let his hair grow out long/ a mullet style kinda like his dad and wears it in a low ponytail or bun

• Knuckle and Shoot definitely had something going on

•Leorio loves watching competition reality TV shows (like survivor) and always yells at the TV that the contestants are stupid and he could do better

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