Gon, Killua, and Alluka Headcanons

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A/N: sorry it's late and sorry this one sucks I- uh- kinda maybe sorta got pulled over today for speeding and my parents are giving me shit and it's just been a bad fucking day but uh, here it is anyways

• When Gon wants something and he knows Killua is gonna say no to him, he gets Alluka to ask for him because he knows Killua will never say no to her

• Gon, Alluka, and Killua absolutely LOVE watching avatar. Alluka's favorites are Toph and Katara, Gon's favorite is Aang (and Appa), and Killua says Zuko is his favorite but it's actually Sukki. Killua 100% was giving Aang shit for not wanting to kill fire lord ozai 🙄

• Alluka drags Gon and Killua along when she goes shopping (so they can pay with their hunter licenses). Gon actually enjoys it and picks out outfits for Alluka to try on. Killua literally just asks "are we done yet?? Can we go now??" the entire time and would rather die lmao

• Whenever Alluka has a nightmare and wakes up crying/screaming, Gon and Killua bust in her room ready to kill someone

• Alluka always nudges/elbows Killua whenever he blushes because of Gon. She teases them both ALL THE TIME (yeah she's a hardcore shipper, and we stan)

• Gon and Killua are really overprotective and I'm just saying, pray for the first person Alluka decides to date😭 *cough cough zushi*

• I already said how amazing Killua is at doing Alluka's hair. But Gon on the other hand? No. Don't let this kid anywhere near people with long hair. Alluka and Killua spent hours getting out her tangles from Gon's attempted and failed braid

• They play board games all the time and Gon and Killua let Alluka win everytime

• I feel like Alluka would be AMAZING at baking, and Gon and Killua would eat everything she makes

• Killua reads Alluka stories, and Gon likes to listen as well

• Oh my God just imagine how defensive and protective they get when someone calls Alluka "him" or "it" or anything along those lines. They absolutely would destroy that person (as they should)

• When Gon and Killua tell Alluka they're dating, she's like "And? I knew this you idiots". Or when Killua tells her he's gay she's just like "Oh, I thought we established this?"

• I feel like Alluka, the older she gets, becomes so sarcastic and funny, just like Killua but also a lot nicer than him

Hxh head cannons! Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu