Random Fun Headcanons

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• I feel like Leorio would be a REALLY loud and slow typer (like on the computer) idk if this makes any sense

• Gon and Alluka would be the type of people to make hand turkeys for thanksgiving and ask everyone what they're thankful for

• I feel like Illumi would play piano and REALLY well. Hisoka sometimes requests songs for him to play and he'll just play them after listening to the song once. His parents made him learn because they thought the "hand-eye coordination" and "mental processes" involved with it would help with assassin training

• Meleoron 100% thought that Knuckle and Shoot were dating from the first time he met them and when he found out they weren't dating (yet) he was just like "...is this a joke? You're not?"

• I can promise you that Youpi and Pitou shit talked the living hell out of Pouf and would try not to be in the same room as him. They hands down thought he was the most annoying gay bitch on this planet and they made side eye contact everytime he made a gay comment towards the king or was dramatic asf (is this just me venting abt how much I hate pouf? Yeah. If you don't agree, it's all good but don't fight me lmao)

• Alluka would have such nice handwriting, like bubbly and pretty

• Kurapika 100% writes in cursive and calligraphy

• Alluka loves drawing little doodles on Killua's arms and hands. She also incorporates his scars in the designs sometimes

• Bisky and Killua have weekly or monthly phone calls just to catch up and so Bisky can check on him. They'll never admit it openly, but they love each other like family. He's 100% accidentally called her mom before and they both noticed it but just skipped over it (play Mitski singing "I know who you pretend I am")

• I still think Alluka and Zushi would make the cutest couple ever. And when she tells him she's trans she's really nervous and scared, he's just like "Okay, well thank you for telling me, I'm sure that took a lot of courage and I'm glad you feel you can open up to me. But, it doesn't change my opinion of you whatsoever" and she literally almost cries with joy

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