CH:1 Where it all began

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The summer breeze was making the falling leaves dance to its tune. The young Uchiha  matriarch was holding her most precious treasure,her beloved daughter,the little Uchiha hier in her hands. The little girl took a lot after her father in appearance, yet she even resembled her kind-hearted and strong willed mother.The little three year old was exhausted for her daily play activities and was sound asleep. Sakura carried her precious daughter to her room.
After laying her on her bed her eyes suddenly met with the cute family pictures she always treasured. Especially the one of the raven haired shinobi, who was probably out there somewhere on his path of atonement of sins.At times she really felt a desire to live those few years again.

It's been long Sasuke kun....I just hope you are okay. You know Sarada made a picture of you today. I wish you were here to see that.. she really wanted you to see it .... yesterday she asked about when you will return...u know am not asking you to come home's fine as long as you come home's just Sarada is too small to understand that. But u don't have to worry I will make her understand someday..... All I want is you to be safe Sasuke kun.................uh I was talking to your picture again I really get caught in it again.

She heard a knock on the door and went to open it. A certain blonde kunoichi gushed into her house. With loads for exitment Ino said ,"'mon let's have a day out, it's been long since we hanged out together."
Sakura said,"shhh...Sarada just fell asleep...And I have to go to hospital too....I have some work there. " What...c'mon sakura. U need to chill for just once..I left inojin in sai kun's care....." Ino abruptly stop realising that she said the wrong thing. Unlike her other friends sakura isn't fortunate enough to expect her husband to look over her child while she hang out. Still she is more than ok with that. Ino appologised and left not wanting to force her best friend anymore. Sakura knew she just made a awkward scene there yet she couldn't help it.she sat back on her couch with her head resting on the cushion and started remembering the best three years of her life.

° ۝ ° FLASHBACK ° ۝ °(the whole story from here is a flash back)
It was already 6 months since Naruto and Hinata got married. They have now moved into a new house. Even  the lazy ass Shikamaru has now gotten married to  the Princess of the sand village. Love as always was in high spirits in Konoha. Sakura who had just finished her hectic mission of capturing kido  just two weeks ago was totally immersed in her usual works of the hospital and the children's mental health clinic. That autumn afternoon she was sipping her tea on her usual office table.  Her blonde friend gushed into her office without knocking as always....
"Sakura ........I have got a big news for you ...u won't believe what just happened.....Sai kun just  proposed to me...I don't believe it.." she was jumping like a two year old with happiness
Sakura congratulated her best friend with a huge smile. It was barely two weeks since she asked her bestie to give her boyfriend her time...and the results of her advice were out so soon...she did expect that.
Sakura said with a gleaming smile,"so when is the wedding"
"This winter" said Ino excitedly.
The whole evening they spent celebrating , and  before sakura knew it was already past 10 at night . She headed home. According to her usual routine she was someone who would hit her pillow as soon as she gets home but that night something stopped her. A familiar chakra....A chakra she didn't expect to feel...a presence she doubted was actually outside her house. Just then her door creaked open. And the voice that she heard made her feel it was all a dream. The voice she longed to hear was finally there. She turned around and with a  smile and  her gentle voice spoke "  Welcome home Sasuke"
"The thing is  I.....
I am  back Sakura "
The words ....she never thought she would hear them that night were finally there.
Her long loved man was finally there. That moment was indeed where it all actually started.

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