The bastard is too stubborn to die.

"It's people like him that make the world a little brighter at such dark times." Dr. Cirraine says to me and for a moment there it feels as though I'm not talking with a professional surgeon. "He will recover Ms. Caelum, just wait and see. We'll do our best."

I smile, suddenly feeling lighter and slightly elated at his encouraging words. "Thank you."

When Dr. Cirraine turns on his heel to go back into the operating room, he tells me that he will inform me when I can go visit him, so I just plop back down on the waiting chair and when I tilt my neck I notice a familiar figure in the hallway, heading towards me.

"Jimin," I beam.

"Hey," he pants. "How is he?"

"He's going to be alright." I tell him. "How's Evelyn?"

"She's going to have to stay here overnight, but she's going to be okay." He replies. "It's strange though, how both of them ended up in accidents tonight."

"Yeah," he says lowly, running a hand through his dark brown hair. "That's because they were in the same accident."


"Apparently, Evelyn got drunk and attempted to cross the street in her intoxicated state when Yoongi tried to stop her." Jimin explains briefly.

"You're shitting me." I snap. "This happened to him because of her?"


"What Jimin? Are you going to defend her?" I exclaim.

"It's not as simple as you think." Jimin starts. "If you could just let me, explain-"

"What do you mean it's not simple Jimin?" I ball my fists, blood running through my veins like adrenaline. "Your fucking ex acted recklessly and that resulted in Yoongi almost dying tonight. He had a flail chest Jimin and according to the doctor it's life-threatening. That means that a section of his ribs got separated by his chest. The doctor said he was lucky he didn't puncture a lung otherwise he would have pneumonia. They had to perform rib plating surgery to adjust his ribs back to their right anatomic position and now he has to stay in the ICU for who knows how long. Did you know that when he wakes up, he will have to endure pain from the smallest of movements? Even breathing will be fucking painful for him and it will take years of therapy for him to overcome all of this."

Jimin just looks at me and listens to me quietly while I let it all out.

"What is there to explain? We almost lost him because of her!" I cry. "Don't you feel anything? He's your friend; how could you take her side?"

"I never said I took her side Nox." Jimin tells me in a cold manner.

"Then why are you defending her!" I yell at him while tears fall down my eyes. I don't care about the people in the hallway or the nurses who are staring at me like I'm insane. "He told me you're his best friend Jimin." I clench my fist and slam it on his chest. "How could you continue to defend her like this? He's my best friend too and I can't bear to be in this room while he's suffering in there. I hate that I know what was the cause of this and that I couldn't do anything to prevent it. I hate that when he wakes up the first thing, he will feel is pain." I continue to slam my fists on Jimin's chest and he backs up until he hits the wall and I look up at him with bloodshot eyes.

"I know exactly what he has been through Jimin. I've been there. I was with him and I witnessed it all. That's why he's always smoking or always on something, because he can't bear it. He can't bear all this pain, every single fucking day; and the worst part is that I can't do anything to help him when all he does is fix everything and everyone around him.

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