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" Hyung !"
Jimin has been saying the same word for the last few minutes. He has been calling for the older, but the alpha doesn't answer him. He doesn't even budge from his sleeping position.

" Hyung, it's already morning. Get up !"
He tries to push Yoongi away with all his strength, but that only made the alpha stick closer to him.

" Let's take a day off."
Yoongi whispers in his deep morning voice and nuzzled his face into Jimin's four month belly.

He's been like that since Jimin told him about his pregnancy. He couldn't stop putting his hand around Jimin's waist, holding him close to his body and just hugging him.

Since he didn't get to hold Jimin like this during Eunjae's time, he's being extra clingy now. Even when Jimin is cooking food, Yoongi is always hugging him from behind. His chin plopped on Jimin's shoulder as he keeps on stealing kisses from time to time.

His clingy mate really makes it hard for Jimin to do even the smallest chore.

One of the weird habit that Yoongi developed these days is that he couldn't sleep without using Jimin's belly as his pillow. His face is always plopped down on the soft round belly.

The close intimacy with his newborn makes his alpha always pleased. He wasn't able to experience it with Eunjae that's why he doesn't want to miss out on it this time too.

That's one of the reason why Jimin let the alpha do whatever he wants, even if Yoongi using him as his pillow can make him uncomfortable sometimes, he never complains.

His omega actually likes to have his alpha close to him, more so now that he was pregnant.

Just like Yoongi, he didn't get to experience his alpha's closeness to him before. He remembers the time he would suddenly crave for his alpha's scent, it would drive him to a point that makes him go crazy. So, he'll try to calm himself down. But not anymore...

Whenever he craves for Yoongi's touch now, he'll just plop down on his alpha's chest and bury his face in his chest. Inhaling the sharp scent until the cravings calm down.
This second child has brought them even closer than before, and Jimin's glad he took the right decision this time.

"  We have doctor's appointment today." That made Yoongi get up, he obviously doesn't want to miss out on such an important day.

Even though he had accompanied Jimin to his last two appointments, it still feels new to him everytime. Even if it's only a black dot on the screen, he still bawl his eyes out and get excited like a little child.

When they went for the first appointment, Yoongi and Jimin both cried. Eunjae was confused at that, he thought something bad had happened so, he tried to comfort his parents.

Jimin smiled through his tears on seeing how big his little boy has become now.  Then, Yoongi picked him up in his arms and brought him to the monitor, pointing to a little black dot as his sibling.

Shock was very evident on Eunjae's face. Afterall for a child this all was very new and surprising. He looked back at Jimin to see if his father was telling the truth.

Once he got the affirmation from Jimin too, he put out his little hand to touch the little bean on the monitor and then he giggled. It finally settled to him that he was going to be a big brother now.

Eunjae has been more excited for the doctor's appointment than them. He'd get ready in the early morning and try to wake his both parents up because he liked to see the baby on the monitor.

Both the parents would only smile at Eunjae's excitement. They were happy that Eunjae took the news so well. They were actually scared that Eunjae might not like the idea of having a sibling, but they were worried about nothing.

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