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" P-please. No m-more." Hoseok voice came out as a mere whine. His back was bent and hands rested on his knees as he gasped for some air. That one hell of a roller coaster knocked all the air inside his lungs, leaving him breathless.

" Geez, you're such a scaredy cat, love." Ryu went towards his lover's side to check on him. His hands rubbed Hoseok's back and then slowly wrapped him in his arms.
Hoseok smiled at the warm touch, he felt a little better now. He turned around to rest his head on Ryu's shoulder as he inhaled sharp breaths.

Eunjae watched the scene with curious mind and big eyes, he then looked at his appa who was in no better state than his Hoseok uncle. But his papa wasn't hugging him like uncle Ryu.

The scene made him question a lot of things. He waddled towards his papa and tugged on his hand to make him crouch down to his level.
" Yes, baby ?" Jimin asks softly, seeing the clear inquisitive look in his eyes.

" Why aren't you hugging appa like Ryu uncle is hugging Hobi uncle." He says making all four of them freeze on their spots.

The omega turned his head frantically to look at the alpha. He doesn't have a answer to his son's question. This time even Yoongi doesn't have any excuse for that.

" Eun-"
" Appa is scared too. You should hug him " He points at Yoongi and then dragged Jimin with him towards where his father was standing.

He folded his little arms over his chest and stared at his parents. He looked like a director waiting for the actors to get into their roles.
" Appa ! Papa !" He screams at them again when there is no moment for some second. From behind two laughs are heard in the background, which belongs to none other than their dear friends, Hoseok and Ryu.

" Bu-" Jimin's stopped in mid sentence by a hand reaching out for him.

With a swift tug, Yoongi pulls the younger towards him and lay his head on Jimin's shoulder, the omega is shocked at that.
So, Yoongi nudges him again and gestured him to hug him properly.

Jimin nods after the initial shock is over. He slowly put his hand around the alpha's back and secure them there in an awkward hug.
" Yeah !" Eunjae laughed so big at that. And honestly the two whipped parents would do anything to see their son smile like that.

" Geez, they're so oblivious." Ryu rolled his eyes at the scene but then soon the frown turned into a smile because of how heartwarming it was.
" Been seeing them like that for years now." Hoseok stole a quick peck from his boyfriend's lips that got him a nice smack, he sometimes tend to forget that the beta is a Judo champion.

" Look at the time, I think we should head back now." Hoseok's words pull the two out of their bubble. They separates out of the hug only to stand next to each other awkwardly.

" Next time, you should come to our house. I'll cook for you." Ryu says patting Eunjae's head, one last time. Someday he might just steal Eunjae from Yoongi and Jimin. The boy is just too cute.
" Yeah, you've to try Ryu's sushi. It's the best out there." Ryu blushed at his boyfriend's fluttering compliment. Hoseok is a boosting boyfriend who loves to shower Ryu with praise and compliments 24/7.

" Can never say no to such good food." Yoongi comments stating the truth.
" Of course we'll come, we still have a lot to catch up." Jimin adds.

" Yeah, my long list of questions is ready and you won't get away without answering all of them." Hoseok takes Jimin's hand into his, he just wants to feel like his friend is really there and not a dream.
" Of course, hyung." Jimin hugs his hyung once again before it's time for them to go. It's not the same as before when he used to see them every other day, now, they all are grown up and busy with their own lives.

" Jimin ah, promise me you won't leave again." Hoseok asks with so much hope in his eyes.
Jimin bites the inner of his cheeks, how can he promise something he isn't sure of ?

" I promise I won't leave without any notice this time." Hoseok isn't satisfied by the answer, but for now he decides to settle on that possibility.


" Eunjae baby, did you enjoy today ?" Jimin strokes Eunjae's hairs. The family is currently huddled up on the couch with Eunjae lying on the omega's lap, curled like a cat.
" Yes, papa. I loved it so much." He purred in happiness.

" Appa's funny face made me laugh." He giggled on remembering Yoongi's scared face. His comment earned him a mean look from his father.
" Yeah, his funny face made me laugh too." Jimin says siding with his son. The way that the alpha, who claimed himself to not be afraid of anything screamed while on the rides, is something that Jimin will never forget.

" Appa, Papa." Eunjae gains both of their attention.
" Hmm ?" Yoongi hums to let him know that he was listening.
" What is it baby ?"

" Why don't you call each other like Hobi and Ryu uncle do ?" He peeks his head out of Jimin's chest to stare at his fathers.

" What do you mean ?" Yoongi sat up from his sleeping position.
" Ryu uncle called Hobi uncle 'love'. Why don't you call papa that too ?" Both of the parents gasped at that, looking back and forth at each other, trying to come up with some excuse.
" Uh-"

" My friends said that people who love eachother gives each other sweet names. Do you not love each other ?"
That panicked them even more than the previous question.
" No, baby. Of course, we love each other." Jimin look at Yoongi wide eyed at that, but Yoongi is quick to assure him. Love is a big word.

" We just... We don't like to call each other by nicknames." Jimin isn't happy with that, he doesn't want to lie to his son. But he knows that he won't understand their relationship at such a young age so, it's better to fake this thing until he's grown up enough to understand their situation.

" Why ?" The boy is very curious. He would continue to ask questions until his brain is satisfied with the answer.
" Because I like you papa's name much more than any nickname."
That seemed to make some sense to the boy. He nods his head weakly, his tired eyes now closing down.

" But nicknames are good too." He whispers while drifting off to sleep.

" He can be such a headache sometimes. I'm sorry from his side." Yoongi says once he was sure that Eunjae was fast asleep.

" No worries hyung. I think we'll have to keep up the act now ?" If that'll make his son happy, then he'll gladly act like he and Yoongi are just like any other normal couple.
" Yeah." Yoongi sounds a bit disappointed, he didn't want Jimin to actually feel any kind of pressure. But then again, they're doing it for Eunjae.

" Actually, hyung. I need a favor from you." He speaks with his fingers threaded along Eunjae's dark brown locks.
" I want to meet with Minjun ssi."

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