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Jimin is walking slowly, humming to the melody of the random nursery rhymes that he have mesmerized now, all thanks to Eunjae.

He's in a good mood right now. Eunjae has told him about Jungkook newly found love for homemade cookies these days, and that the alpha would even bring them freshly baked cookies sometimes.

So, he thought what better way to win Jungkook's heart than to bake some tasty cookies for him.
Well, he isn't sure about the tasty part because it was his first time baking. He made sure to follow the instructor in the video very precisely. They turned out great look wise, but he can't say anything about the taste.

He was too busy in his thoughts that he almost didn't see that he has already reached there, Taehyung's house. Oh, how many memories rushed through in just by standing at the gate.

The countless sleep over, the funny pranks, the small fights, the house parties, the random singing and dancing contests and so much more.

He opens the gate slowly. Going inside, the beautiful garden made him stop in his steps. It is full of flowers, looking so peaceful and serenading at the same time.
Taehyung has always taken a great liking in gardening, since their college days. Certainly, he haven't grown out of that hobby.

As he reaches the door, the nervousness starts flooding over his system. His brain starts tricking him to leave from there. But he won't give in. He's strong, he can do this. He can face Jungkook. He gathered some courage and rings the doorbell.

His leg starts bouncing in anticipation when it's been a while and nobody answered the door.
" Maybe they're sleeping." He assures himself even with that excuse even though it's not the best time for sleeping.

It's been five minutes and there's still no response. The omega ran out of his patience. He finally decided to text Taehyung now.

' Are you not at home ?'

He thinks for some time before pressing the send button.

There's no instant reply just like Jimin expected. So, he took a seat on the steps while waiting.

After 10 minutes or so, his notification goes off. Telling him that he got a message.

' I'm meeting my cousin. Why are you asking ?'
' Are you at my house ?!'

Jimin laughs, he could sense his bestfriend panicking just by reading his message.

' Uh yeah, I brought some cookies. But no one's at home.'

He saw the other typing something for an immensely long time but he ended up erasing it.

' Jungkook must be on his way back from his gym.'

That pretty much explains why is no one at home.

' Gym ?'

He types out of his curiousity.

' He works as an instructor there.'

Jimin nods to himself.

' Do you want me to come back ?'

Jimin rushes to type back a response, he doesn't want to ruin Taehyung's private time.

' No, no. It's fine. I'll just wait for Jungkook.'

Taehyung again takes a long time before sending another text.

' You'll be fine ?'

' Yes.'

He texts even though he is far away from being fine.

' Just so you know, Jungkook doesn't hate you... He just needs some time to accept the fact that you're back.'

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