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" Jungkook-" Jimin shouted the younger's name. But, the alpha pays no attention to the sound. He can't hear it, his world has gone silent. Too silent.

Jimin stands still at his position until Jungkook dashes out from there. He himself got ready to chase after the younger. This time he's not gonna let Jungkook slip off his fingers like that.

" Park Jimin ?" The omega halts all activities on seeing the doctor come out from the room and approach him.
Taehyung walks towards his bestfriend's side. Wrapping his hand around Jimin's arm to comfort him. The omega has became so hyperactive on seeing the doctor. His mind filling with all the worst possibilities.

" Doctor, how's Eunjae ?" He asks impatiently. Ready to go and grasp his son in his arms. He just wants to see his son healthy and well again.

Taehyung held him closer to himself, rubbing his arm lightly.
" He's fine. It's just a viral fever. Some rest and medicines would do." The doctor answers. He's actually a bit shocked on seeing how overworked the parent is. He usually sees this kind of behaviour in new parents.

The air finally fills Jimin's lungs on hearing those words.
" Can I see him ?" The doctor nods at his request, opening the door for him to enter.
He rushed in without any further thoughts, with Taehyung following behind.

" Eunjae ah !" Jimin ran towards his son, his tears blurring his way out. Once close to his child, he engulfed him in a big hug not daring to let him away from himself.

Eunjae found his father sobbing on his shoulder. So, with all the energy he have in his limbs, he used it to wrap his arms around Jimin.

" You scared me. Are you okay, baby ?" Eunjae nods to that but, he still looked a little weak given that the fever was a really high one.
" You can take him back home. It'd be nice for him to rest at home." Jimin nods at the doctor, wiping off his tears from the corner of his eyes.

" Thank you, doctor." He stood up from beside Eunjae, bowing down to show how thankful he was towards the doctor.
" Don't worry, he's gonna be back to normal by tomorrow." The doctor smiled, patting Jimin's shoulder before leaving. As he walks out there was only one thought in his mind, that the boy was lucky to have such a caring and loving parent.

Jimin sat on the edge of the bed and cupped his son's face. Eunjae still had the fever but it was lower than before. He was thankful for that.

" I'll go and buy his medicines." Taehyung said. Using that as an excuse to go and search for Jungkook.
Jimin nods at that, for now his only focus was his son.

Taehyung went all the way searching for Jungkook, each floor and each corridor, but, the alpha was hard to find. He would have easily traced his scent if not for the rush in the hospital.
He dialed up his number once again. It was like the alpha was purposely trying to ignore his calls.

He continued to roam around the hospital in search of his alpha until he finally found him standing by a window. His shoulders slumped down as if trying to blend himself in the crowd.

" Jungkook ah." Jungkook turns around in an instant. Once he saw the omega approaching him he tried to suck up all his tears. He didn't wanted to seem weak in front of him.

" Hyung you knew about this, right ?" Jungkook's asked raising his voice. The alpha hardly does that. Taehyung knew this would happen but he still took the risk.

He continued to step towards Jungkook not minding how the alpha is trying to walk away from him.
He held Jungkook's hand, interlocking their fingers. With soft eyes, he begged the alpha to atleast listen to him one time.

" Yeah, I met him a few days ago when he came into my shop but, he didn't knew it was my shop." Taehyung would have thought otherwise if not for Jimin's expression that was just the same as him. Confused and lost.

" Why didn't you tell me then ?" Taehyung grabs Jungkook's other hand too, the alpha still refusing to look into his eyes.
" I was in no place to tell you about it." He slowly caressed Jungkook's knuckles that have gone white because of the force he exerted on them.

" Hyung, you've hurted me."

" I know baby. I'm sorry. Hyung is sorry for not telling you." Taehyung knows very well, how sensitive could Jungkook become when it's about Jimin. He knows Jungkook is ecstatic to see Jimin but the past event has fogged his mind and has filled the happiness with anger.

Jungkook looks at Taehyung with his glassy eyes. Taehyung is his home, his comfort person. That at some point Jimin used to be.
" How is Eunjae ?" He finally remembers why they were here in the first place.
" Doctor said he'll be fine by tomorrow." Taehyung said with a smile. Jungkook relaxed a bit at that too.

" I don't think Jimin and Eunjae have a ride back home, should we drop them off ?" He looks at Jungkook. The alpha doesn't reply instantly so Taehyung starts to reason out his thoughts.

" If you don't want to stay, we'll just drop them off and go back. Okay ?"
Jungkook looks into Taehyung eyes for some second before finally nodding. He's only doing it for Eunjae, he can just ignore Jimin like he's not even there.

" Good, I'll bring them to the car then. Love you." He quickly press a kiss to Jungkook's cheek before going away to buy Eunjae's medicine.


When he brought the other two with him to the parking lot, Jungkook was already seated on the driver's seat. His eyes looking right ahead and he didn't even spared a look.
Taehyung helped Jimin get inside with a passed out Eunjae in his arms. Once he made sure that both of them were comfortable, he moved to sit on the passenger's seat, beside his fiancè.

Taehyung could feel the beating of both of their hearts and even the palpable tension suspended in the air. He was so tempted to make Jungkook stop the car in between and make both of them talk but, that wouldn't have been so wise in a situation like that.

Jimin kept sneaking glances at Jungkook and the younger did the same through the rear view mirror. But, no one dared to start a conversation.
Jimin was scared and Jungkook's mind was full of resentment.

When they reached the Min's house, Taehyung was the one who helped Jimin and Eunjae inside. Jungkook didn't even get out of the car.
" Aren't you coming inside ?" Jimin asks the omega as they stood on the threshold of the house. He wanted to spend some time with his friends and possibly ask for their forgiveness.

Taehyung lightly shook his head.
" Eunjae is sick, I don't want to become a burden." Jimin bites the inner of his cheek, nodding his head in disappointment.

Taehyung runs his hand over a sleepy Eunjae. The boy looked so peaceful while sleeping. Now, that he was laying in Jimin's arms, he looked even more like him.
" Get well soon, Eunie." He pressed a quick kiss on his forehead.

A smile forms on Jimin's lips, his son is so loved. His eyes wander to look at Jungkook again, who's not even looking in their direction.
" I'll get going now. Call me if you need something." With that Taehyung starts walking away.

Jimin wants to hold him and ask him to stay but, he wasn't able to do so. He just saw the omega getting inside the car. He saw Taehyung putting his hand on Jungkook's face. A smile forms on Jungkook's face at the loving touch.

Atleast Jungkook is happy now. The thought made waves of solace gush over Jimin.

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