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Hoseok's reaction was the best amongst all their friends. Even though Jimin knew that Hoseok is the calmest among their group, he was still a little scared that maybe he would react like Jin or Jungkook.

But, what he wasn't expecting was to get tackled down in a hug as soon as their eyes meet. No questions were asked, no accusations were made it was just a sweet reunion. Full of soft sniffles and warm smiles.

No one said a words while the two friends were sobbing on each other's shoulder. Yoongi just held Eunjae closer to himself, because clearly the boy wasn't understand what was going on. Not now, but someday he'll understand them too. He'll understand the different emotions they're going through. One day...

The warm welcome made Jimin emotional. He cried even louder in his Hobi hyung's arms. He was craving for it for so long.
And Hoseok wasn't much different than him, he pulled Jimin closer to himself with every second, afraid that Jimin might seep out of his grasp just like dust.

" Hyung, I'm s-sorry." Jimin dares to break the silence that was surrounding them. It feels so nice, feels like home, feels at peace.

Hoseok separates Jimin from his chest just to stare at Jimin's face. He needs to take in omega's feature. He have changed so much. His little Jiminie looks so mature now.

Like everyone else, he too have lots of questions going on inside his head. But he's not going to ruin this precious moment on asking those questions. For him, seeing Jimin safe and healthy is more important than getting the answers to his questions.

When Jimin left he was heartbroken too, he was miserable too but some part of him was relieved that Jimin took a stand for himself and did what he think was best for him. Maybe the decision was a bit selfish. But he understood Jimin completely.

There are days where you want to disappear to someplace else where no one knows your name and restart your life from the rag. We all had this thought atleast once in our lives. So, what was so wrong that Jimin decided to act on it.

Now, that he's seeing Jimin. So happy and healthy than before, he's proud of him for making that decision.

His shaky hands goes to rest on Jimin's head and he starts gently stroking it.
" I'm so glad you're back, Jimin ah." He says with his throat going dry. There's this genuine happines that reflects through his eyes watering as he look at Jimin after all those years.

" I missed you so much, hyung." The omega purrs and dunk his head in Hoseok's chest once again.
" I missed you too." He caressed Jimin's cheeks softly.

The scene might have irked Yoongi if it was any another alpha. But this is Hoseok, and he knows how much soft spot he have for the younger. So, he just watches them with his own eyes brimming with tears.

But when the reunion continued longer, Yoongi had to cough at them to make them realise that he, Eunjae and Ryu were still there. That worked like magic and the two boys came out of their bubble instantly, but still stuck close to each other.

" It's nice to meet you Ryu ssi." Jimin waddles towards Yoongi and bowed at the beta standing in front of him. He looked truly beautiful in the simple yet classy clothes he was wearing. He have to say that his Hoseok hyung is really lucky.

" Hobi talked about you alot. I've been wanting to meet you for a long time and I finally got the chance to." Instead of taking the extended hand, the beta came forward and embraced Jimin in his arms.

Jimin wasn't expecting that from him because to Ryu he was a stranger. But the beta is friendly and kind hearted like that.

" You look even cuter in real life." Ryu pinches Jimin's cheeks lightly. He really looked more gorgeous and beautiful than the pictures. The pictures can't even do justification to his beauty.

" Thank you, Ryu ssi." Jimin covers his reddening cheeks. The compliments made him blush like a tomato.
" Just call me hyung, Jimin." Jimin nods at that and smiled. He just got another hyung in form of Ryu.

" Look they're already bestfriends." Hoseok acted like he was weeping on Yoongi's shoulder.
The alpha chuckled at that, Jimin really knows the art of bewitching everyone with his charm.

Jimin felt a tug on his jeans and looked down to his son looking at him with puppy eyes.

" Roller coaster." He points at the giant ride. He has mentioned it to Jimin how he have been wanting to go to an amusement park for quite sometime now, but Yoongi wouldn't take him there, making excuses that Eunjae was too little for a amusement park and that he might hurt himself on the ride.

But Jimin knows the real reason, it was all because Yoongi himself was very afraid of the rides.

" Let's go, I wanna ride it too." Ryu said full of enthusiast as looked at Eunjae, cupping both his hands into his. Jimin didn't think that Ryu would be into this stuff too.

" Aren't you both coming ?" The omega asks the two bestfriends who are standing behind them in an awkward position. Ryu and Eunjae stops to look at them, too.

" Me and hyung will get something to eat." Hoseok tugs on Yoongi's sleeve to let him know of his plan.
" Yeah, Hoseok's right. I'm kinda hungry right now." Yoongi said rubbing his stomach like he was really hungry but in reality he was just following Hoseok's lead.

" But you just had your breakfast not even an hour ago ?" Jimin questions, he's not letting the two off the hook this easily. Their little tactics won't work on him any longer.

" Uh, I can still use a little snack." Yoongi says looking back at forth between Jimin and the big roller coaster. He'd rather eat until his stomach explodes than to die on that one hell of a ride.
" Fine." Finally, frustrated with their desperation to get out this situation, Jimin decided to give in.

Hoseok clapped his hands at that, stopping soon when he saw Ryu eyeing him. He clears his throat turning around and then pulling Yoongi along with him. He gave his friend a wink and a thumbs up, but he did it a little too early.

" Appa, you're not coming ?" Eunjae escapes from Ryu's hold to run towards his dad. He hugged Yoongi's legs, stopping him in his spot and restricting him from moving any further.

" Uncle hobi, you aren't coming either ?" Hoseok turns on hearing Eunjae's voice. The boy is pulling his best puppy face on him. Those innocent eyes stare right at his soul.

Hoseok tries to hold Yoongi, because once Yoongi gives in, then it'll be over.

" Appa, please. I've been a good boy, I always do homework in time and even help papa in the kitchen." Jimin just watches his son ramble all this with little giggles escaping his own lips. He never knew his son was that good of an actor.

" Hob ah, I'm sorry." Yoongi took Hoseok's hand off his sleeves with a sorry look in his eyes.
" Let's go baby, appa will join you." Eunjae got excited at that, walking away with his father happily. But then he stopped in between and turned around to wait for Hoseok to join them.

At that loving gaze, Hoseok decided to say 'fuck it' and he just gave in. Even though that big ass ride scares him, seeing Eunjae sad will be more scary and heartbreaking. So, it's better he lose his soul on that ride than to break his little nephew's heart.

" Only this one." He says finally giving in. To which he heard Ryu and Jimin cheering him. But little did he knew, he would end up riding every single ride, multiple times with tears in his eyes until he finally passes out.

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