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" So, Eunjae chose Taehyung and Jungkook over us ?"
Yoongi says, to ease the seriousness in the atmosphere. He tries to keep the air between him and Jimin light so it doesn't get much awkward for either of them.

" Yes, he must be tired of us."
Jimin allows his body to fall back on the soft mattress. His eyes closing once his head hits the fluffy pillow. It's so comfortable that he can fall asleep anytime soon now.

It's been years since he has slept in the same bed as the alpha, just the two of them. But he doesn't feel nervous or any kind of awkwardness. Maybe because they've started to know and understand each other better. Jimin feels really at ease in Yoongi's presence now.

" Hyung..." He says in a whisper, thinking that the older might be asleep by now. But the alpha let out a little hum to let him know that he's still awake.

" I never got to ask... How did your family reacted to Eunjae ?"
He wanted to ask the same question while he was still pregnant with Eunjae, he wanted to know how Yoongi's parents reacted to the news but he never got the courage to ask.
After years, he finally mustered up the courage to ask it now.

Yoongi releases a deep sigh before he starts the long story.
" Angry... They were angry at first."

That was kinda expected. Jimin wonders if his parents were there, how would they have reacted to the news. Whether they would've hated him or supported him ?
But, if they were with him then maybe he wouldn't have taken such a harsh decision in the first place.

" They said that I should have been more careful. My mom made me sit and listen to her long ass lecture for hours."

His legs were numb by the time her lectures were finished. But even though the long ass lectures were unbearable, he knew that it was necessary too.

" But they weren't like those parents who are depicted on the TV shows that would force you to abort the baby."

He doesn't know what he was expecting when he told them the news that they're going to be grandparents. Maybe a slap on the cheek was the fairest option out of everything else, but that never came.

They were hurt, it was clear on their face, but that didn't stop them from supporting him. They didn't desert him to take everything on himself, instead they held his hand and told him that he wasn't alone. That he'll always have them to turn to.

" They said I should feel responsible for what I've done and that I should take full responsibility of my actions."
It was what he deserved and he gladly took the responsibility. It was a consequence of his actions so, he should have been the one to take it.

" When I told them that you weren't willing to be a part of our lives..." He looks at Jimin, the omega looked so scared of what's coming ahead. Yoongi's hand twitched to go rest on his face but he controlled himself.

" They understood your perspective, they didn't blame anything on you."
Jimin eyes watered on hearing that. He never thought Yoongi's parents would understand him and his feelings. It made his heart hurt a little.

" They helped me alot with Eunjae. Especially my mom, because she's an omega she knows better than my dad how to take care of a child."

Since Yoongi wasn't able to go back to daegu because of his college, his parents would visit him from time to time and take care of their grandson. They would spoil Eunjae with all the things that Yoongi wasn't able to provide him with, at that time.

" She would come over and look after him while I studied for my exams. I don't know how I would have managed if it wasn't for her."
She was his support piller during the hard days. Whenever he felt like he wasn't good enough for his son, she was the one who filled him up with hope. If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have made it this far.

" Are you crying ?" Yoongi asks on hearing the sudden sniffles.
" N-no, my eyes are sweating." Jimin said in a sassy tone making Yoongi laugh at him. The omega doesn't let his cool demeanor down even for a second.

" Come here." He opened his arms for Jimin to come and rest in them. He knows that Jimin likes to cuddle to sleep and doesn't see any wrong in doing so.

Jimin mumbled some incoherent words before he finally rolls over to lay his head on Yoongi's arms. He prefer the comfort of Yoongi's arm over any pillow. The alpha still feel like comfort and home to him.

Sure they've slept together before too, but this time it feels different. The feeling is very different...

" You wanna visit them ?"
Jimin stares at Yoongi wide eyed at the question. He can't believe Yoongi is asking him if he wants to meet his parents.

" Your p-parents ?"
Yoongi always found Jimin's stuttering cute.

" Yeah, I think they'd love to meet you."
He could already visualise his mom starting to get close with Jimin. They actually have a lot in common and he's sure his parents would be happy to meet Eunjae's other father too.

" Oh okay, if you say so." Jimin said, but on inside he was hyperventilating. How is he supposed to face them when he left their son like that to face all the hardships alone ? What if they starts hating him ?

" Don't think too much, put your little brain to rest." Yoongi could almost hear Jimin thinking aloud. After knowing the other for so many years, it's not a tough task to guess what's going inside his head.

Yoongi ruffles Jimin's hairs, he do the same to Eunjae when the child is not able to sleep. Jimin's eyes flutter close at the sensation. He let himself get lulled to sleep by the alpha.
" Good night, hyung." He whipers and curls into himself.

" Night Jimin ah."
He stares at Jimin's sleeping state and he's reminded of the day they went on trip. His eyes unconsciously trail down to Jimin's flat stomach. He puts his hand out in front, remembering how round his belly used to be, so full of their pup. The thought awakened something inside of him.

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