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It was good to say that their picnic went well after seeing the big smile on Jimin's face. Yoongi is currently driving back home, but Jimin's smile is a constant distraction for him. How is he supposed to stare at the road when Jimin's bright smile keeps attracting him. He just want to stop the damn car and stare at that god damn smile.

" What did you and hyung talked about ?" He has been meaning to ask the question since the Kim family left, but he didn't get the opportunity to do so.
" Nothing much." Jimin says, looking outside the window. Yoongi knows that is a lie, something serious might have happened between them during that time. Jimin's shaken state was enough to tell him how bad it was.

The alpha uses his free hand to place it on Jimin's arm that is wrapped protectively over a sleeping Eunjae.
" Was he too rude ?" He could easily read the answers off Jimin's face. Just call it his secret ability or what, but he can easily read what's going inside Jimin's head. It's almost like his and Jimin's mind is in sync.

Jimin stares down at Yoongi's hand and finally looked at him, begging him with his eyes to not continue. So Yoongi obliges, heaving a sigh.

All in all, it was a good day for Jimin. Yeah, it was a little bumpy in the start but he's used to it by now. It seemed like Jin is ready to give him a chance to prove himself and that's all he ever wanted. Nothing else would make him more happier.

He gently readjust Eunjae in his arms. The child was fast asleep the moment they stepped inside the car, afterall he had spent all his energy playing with Aera.
The omega run his hand over Eunjae's puffed up cheeks. It suddenly reminded him of Aera and he's missing her now.

Aera was like a fascinating wonder to Jimin, he has never dealt with such small children before. So, he was a little scared in the beginning. But, Aera turned out to be an absolute angel. What else would someone expect from the Kim's daughter.

He turns to Yoongi with his lips turning into a pout.
" Aera is so cute, I miss her." He whines to Yoongi. And the alpha thinks how he's just like Eunjae. The little boy also whines like that when he fetch him back home from the Kim household. He'd beg Yoongi with his pouty face to let him play for just another hour.

" Yeah, she's the prettiest baby ever." He chuckles, the omega is still pouting. He might have got a little bit too attached to her. And not just Jimin, even Aera got so attached to him. She's usually a very conserved baby who only like her fathers and uncles, but today it seemed like Jimin was an exception.

She was so happy in Jimin's hold like he has always been there, like she has seen him from the day one. She even cried when it was time for them to part away, making grabby hands towards Jimin to hold her again.

" She likes you." He remembers the thought he had earlier this month. If Jimin was here, would he be good with babies ? And he finally got his answer. He's so fuckin' good with babies. He knows how to make even a baby fall for his charm.

" Can we visit them again ? I wanna play with her." He blinks his eyes innocently and god, Yoongi is a whipped man who never learnt the word 'no.'

" Anytime." Jimin beams at the reply.

" So, what's your next plan ?" He looks at Jimin to find him looking so surprised like he just read his thoughts straight outta his brain.

The omega relaxed his head on the seat. His plan for day 2 is already set. Even though he's tired and should probably rest a bit in between, he won't. He doesn't want to waste his time resting, he have much important things to do.

" Tomorrow we'll meet Hobi hyung and Ryu-ssi." Yoongi wonders how Jimin knows Ryu, but then he remember his little informant, Eunjae must've told him.

" Wait-- he's back ?" The alpha asks in shock. As far as he remember, he didn't hear a single word from his bestfriend after he went to Japan. He must be enjoying himself with his future mate and future in-laws.

" Yeah, they came back yesterday." At this point, Yoongi thinks Jimin might have hired a private detective. Or heck, he must own a private investigation company himself.

" How do you know ?" Jimin let out a small giggle at that.
" Simple, I texted him." The alpha is still confused by the answer, so Jimin points at Yoongi's mobile to tell him that he used it to contact their friends.

Oh, that explains pretty much. They didn't exactly bumped into the Kim family, it was Jimin who invited them there using his name. He'll give Jimin 10/10 for that.

" But how do you know my passcode ?" Jimin laughs again at that and then looks down at Eunjae. The simple glance is enough to tell Yoongi the whole story.
" Sneaky brat." The alpha mutters under his breath but then find himself smiling.

Meeting Hoseok might actually be a little better than the previous two. Hoseok too was shocked by Jimin's sudden disappearance, but he never expressed his anger or resentment towards the omega. Instead he was the supporting brick of the group, who calmed and braced everyone in the difficult situation.

" Where will we meet this time ?" Yoongi asks, feeling the excitement rising in his bones. He haven't seen his bestfriend for quite some time now, and he missed him alot.

" It's a surprise." Something about the way that Jimin looks at him is telling him that something is suspicious, but the alpha overlooked it. Well, he shouldn't have.
" I'm excited." He beamed, but not for long.


" I'm not excited. Let's go back." The alpha's pale face look like he has just seen a ghost. His feet automatically turns 180° and he's ready to make a run for his life.

" Hyung, come on. Let's go." Jimin gestures Eunjae to hold the other hand and they started pulling him.
" No!" The alpha is trying his best to not bulge from his spot.

" Yes." Jimin pulled the alpha inside the gate with all his might. He and Eunjae are excited. But clearly, the alpha is not.

Someone save him from this hell that is disguised in the form of an amusement park...

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