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" Friends..." Yoongi answers him in a hushed tone. His voice was so small that Daejeong almost missed his words.

" Huh ?" He asks, surprised. He's sure that he didn't hear it right. Friends ? They're just friends and they have a son together ? Something wasn't adding right.

Daejeong was ready with his next set of questions when the doorbell interrupted him.
Yoongi thanked the heaven for that, because of it he was saved from answering the questions he didn't have the answers of.

This time he's sure who's at the door, a smile comes on his face just by thinking about him.
" Jimin ah.." His voice comes out excited and cheery like he hasn't seen Jimin for ages now.

Jimin was surprised at the weird reaction of his hyung. Yoongi seems way too happy to see him.

" Why are you acting like that ?"
He laughed at Yoongi and then went inside.  Going all the way in until he stopped on seeing Daejeong sitting on the couch. His hands up in the sky waving at him and lips curled in a wide grin.

" No way." Jimin gasped, taking baby steps forward.

Daejeong stood up when he saw Jimin and immediately opened his arms for him. Jimin's previous slow steps turned into sprints as he came crashing in his arms. Daejeong locked his arms around the omega and gave him a light spin around.

Their act made the older alpha scoff at the intimacy. They don't have to rub it in his face that they're close. They can keep it to themselves only.

" Dae.."
" Jimin ah.."
Daejeong whispered looking into Jimin's eyes. They seemed like a couple meeting after years and Yoongi didn't enjoy it even a bit.

" How did you come here ?"
Jimin is shocked to see his friend standing in front of him so unexpectedly, but happy at the same time.

Daejeong gave him a sly grin before he answered the question.
" Remember I asked for your address because I wanted to send you a package ?"
Then, it all made sense to him.

A few days ago he received Dae's message that he wanted to send him something. He didn't give it much thought and sent him his address. But now that he is thinking back, he should have known what the alpha was planning.

" So, where's my package ?" He asks jokingly, his hands still on Daejeong's shoulder. In between of his reunion he forgot that there was a pair of eyes glaring draggers at them.

" Right here." Daejeong points at himself and then started laughing.
Yoongi has to stop himself from scratching Daejeong's face. His lips moved in incomprehensible words.

When Jimin heard Yoongi mutter something under his breath, he remembered that the alpha must be jealous on seeing another alpha in his territory.
So, he went to Yoongi's side and held his arm to stop him before he could do anything to Daejeong.

" Hyung, this is Daejeong my friend."
Daejeong bows down to greet him, he already guessed that Yoongi was older than him, but it's confirmed now that Jimin introduced him as his hyung.

" Dae, this is Yoongi hyung."
Yoongi turns to look at Jimin at the lack of title, but then again, he himself wasn't able to give a tag to their relationship.

" And this is Eunjae."
Jimin goes over from Yoongi to Eunjae. By Daejeong reactions, he think the latter have already figured out that he is his son. He knows that he owns Daejeong some explanation.

" Baby, say hi to uncle."
Eunjae nods at that and steps close to Daejeong.

" Hello uncle."
He puts his little hand in front of the stranger. Daejeong crouches down and gladly took the extended hand. Eunjae's smile is so similiar to Jimin's that it has his heart doing flips in the chest.

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