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The sound of digits being punched in the passcodes woke Jimin up. He didn't opened his eyes because he was physically tired, but his mind kept on registering the events that happened in his surroundings.

A muffled sound could be heard in the doorway. The sound of door opening and closing, followed after. The noises went silent for a second, like there was a momentarily pause to think about something, before they started getting closer.

" Jimin ?" The omega finally opens his eyes on hearing his name being called from a distance.
" Hyung..." He mutters in a sleepy tone, his view a little blurred as he sat upright from his previous sleeping position.

Yoongi put his hand on the door, opening it to full extent. He's seen gasping for air because of the way he came here running, skipping almost half of the stairs in the fear of something serious might have happened to Jimin or Eunjae based on the number of missed calls he had on his phone.

But the house actually looked peaceful. Eunjae was sleeping next to Jimin in a cuddled up position, and Jimin was slowly patting his chest that rised up and down in a fixed pattern.

" Are you okay ?"
The alpha asks, walking upto the bed. The younger nods at the question but then continued to look at Eunjae with a worried look in his eyes.

" Eunjae have a high fever since morning." The sentence made Yoongi quick on his feet. He sprang towards his son's side, checking his temperature with the back of his hand. His forehead was surely heated up than usual.

" I tried to call you several times but you didn't pick up." Jimin states, biting down on his bottom lip.
" My phone was left inside the car. I only checked your missed calls when I came back." Yoongi remembers the dread that rushed through him when he saw those missed calls.

Their hiking was over but Minjun has planned for a brunch after that. The alpha easily compelled to the idea but he cancelled it once he checked his phone. The only thought that made it to his mind was that he needed to get back home, as soon as possible.

Jimin started to feel the guilt in Yoongi's expression, he could see the alpha tensing up. He's too familiar with that feeling to not understand it by just a glance.
" Don't worry, I took him to the hospital. Doctor said he'll be fine by tomorrow."
Yoongi seemed relieved on hearing that information. But, he's still angry at himself for being so irresponsible.

" You took him there alone ?" Jimin shook his head lightly.
" I called Taehyung." He replied in a hushed tone, that is enough to give Yoongi a vague idea of what might have happened there.

" Jungkook came along too ?" Jimin nods and looked down at his interlocked fingers. It can be easily judged by his expression that it didn't go well.

" He didn't talk to me at all." Yoongi get up from beside Eunjae and went to the omega's side. His hand made its way to the small of the omega's back and started circling there.
" It's okay, it'll take him some time to accept you back." Jimin nods, he's not gonna cry over it. He'll be making stronger efforts from now.

He then remembers Jungkook's face, his beautiful face. The young look that he have on his face that coincide with a mature look that wasn't there before. He has turn into a true alpha now. He's not his baby alpha anymore.

And the smile that was on his face when he was with Taehyung is something so magnificent. It was a genuine one. He's happy that Jungkook found his happiness.

" Jungkook looks so happy." He said with a fond smile on his face. The smile reassure Yoongi that the omega is fine and he's not hurting anymore.
" Yeah, Taehyung is his happiness." Yoongi said looking at his happiness too.

When he finally takes a good looks at the omega, only then he notice the dried tears stain and the redness in Jimin's eyes.
The alpha unconsciously lifts a hand to wipe them off.

" Jimin ah, were you crying ?" Jimin looks away from Yoongi's gaze. He doesn't want to seem like a weak omega.

Yoongi puts his hand under Jimin's chin and made him look into his eyes. He's asking the same question but with his eyes this time.
Jimin nods to its affirmation.

" I was scared something was going to happen to Eunjae."
He feels so stupid right now for being so scared, but Yoongi doesn't think so. Because he himself was in this position some few years ago. When Eunjae fell ill around 5 months, the alpha was the one who shedded tears.

" Oh, Jiminie." Something bloomed inside Jimin's chest on hearing the nickname. He's hearing it after so long
" He's gonna be alright, it's just a fever." He might be saying these words now, but he has freaked out over the littlest sneeze of the child.

" Don't cry. You know, how Eunjae hates to see you crying." He too, hates to see tears in the omega's eyes.

" Okay, I'll not cry." Yoongi ruffled the top of his hairs and muttered a 'good boy'. He was too accustomed to say it to Eunjae that he absent-mindedly said the same to Jimin.
Both turned away with embarrassment painting their cheeks red.

" How was your hiking hyung ?" Jimin asks in an attempt to change the topic.

" You know I'm not a big fan of walking too much, but Minjun enjoyed it so it was good."
He smiles lightly. Today was mostly Minjun motivating him all day long while he wanted to quit from the start. But, he somehow made it to the top with Minjun by his side.

" That's good." He feels contented now.
" I would like to hangout with Minjun ssi someday." The omega mutters making the alpha almost fall out of the bed.

" Why ?" Yoongi asks, surprised at the fact that Jimin wants to meet Minjun. Because as far as he has observed, Jimin seemed uncomfortable in the other omega's presence. So, why would he want to meet him ?

" I just want to thank him for making you both happy." Jimin said with a pure smile that could even make the coldest person on earth fall in love with him.

" I'll ask him about it." He says after thinking a little.
" Thank you." The omega said looking into the alpha's deep eyes. For some reasons, he like to do so. The alpha's eyes are his home, his comfort and his warmth. He wants to reside in them for the rest of his life.

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