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When Jimin came out from the shower with his hairs dripping and clothes half soaked, Yoongi instantly knew something was wrong. One of the most consistent habit of the omega is to dry his wet hairs before stepping out of the shower and if didn't today. Then, something is seriously wrong..

Yoongi assumption are becoming true as he spots the extra puffiness and redness in his eyes. The distressed scent really giving it away.

The omega walks towards the table without acknowledging Yoongi's presence. His eyes darted towards Eunjae's room, from where the laughing sound is coming. There is that longing look in Jimin's eyes. One that Yoongi is too familiar with now.

The alpha sighs, keeping everything aside and going to the younger's side. The omega needs to be comforted right now. He needs to be stopped before he enters his headspace.
His hand goes to rest on Jimin's slumped down shoulder. The omega's body jerks in response to the unwanted contact.

" Are you okay ?" Yoongi takes a seat on the adjacent chair. Jimin nods his head, trying to give him a little smile before he went back to stare at the door.

" Eunjae seems to like him." He says with no emotions attached but he still have his usual smile on. The sentence brought more calm to his heart than it brings the bittersweet taste.

" Yeah, Minjun treats him very well..." Yoongi trails, not completing his sentence. He doesn't know if it's okay to say this in front of the younger or not.
" Just like his own son." Jimin completes the comparison that Yoongi wanted to do but didn't. He knew damn well why the alpha stopped himself from blurting out those words.

" Jimin.." Yoongi says and Jimin looks at him, even though his lips are curled into a thin smile, his eyes have brimming hot tears.
" I'm happy that he was loved while growing up." He wipes the forming tears immediately, pinching the bridge of his nose. This is not the right time for it.

" I'm happy he got the family he deserved." He said it in one go because his voice was on its breaking point. Having no control over his emotions is one of the things, Jimin hates the most.

Yoongi puts his hand on top of Jimin's hand. The touch is reassuring, comforting and everything else that Jimin needs right now.

" But Eunjae needs your love, too. He needs his Papa's love." Somehow the alpha always knows the exact words that the omega wants to hear. They must have an invisible bond for that, that too, a special one.

" He'll be happy to get you know more." He lifts his hand upwards to cup Jimin's face in them. It feels like he's holding the universe itself. His universe, Park Jimin.

" Yoong-" Minjun stops on seeing the two so close like that. His pupils dilating and knuckles going white from how tightly he clenched his fist.

Yoongi withdraws his hands on seeing the other omega. He stands up abruptly, nearly knocking the chair out of his way.

" I'll bring the breakfast, you two can talk till then." Jimin's looking at Yoongi with pleading eyes, he doesn't want to be left alone with him but, the alpha is already disappearing inside.

Maybe, he should disappear from here too. It was too late to act upon that thought because Minjun is already standing in front of him with arms crossed.

" Why are you back ?" The harsh tone is making Jimin's leg buckle up...
Not everyone is how they appear to be.

" I just... missed Korea." He said nibbling on his bottom lip, he has been sucking on it to help him fight the anxiousness he's been feeling.
Minjun nodded at the answer, taking a seat.

" Thank you for taking care of Eunjae. He seems to like you alot." Jimin finally expresses his genuine gratitude after his nervousness spikes down a little. His warm smile soon falters when he saw the other omega scoffing at him.

" I just happened to be there, when you left both of them on their own."
He said in a tone like he's accusing him and Jimin can't actually blame him for being like that. The omega's words are the bitter truth he needs to swallow.

"Oh, and I will continue to do so when you leave them again."
Jimin just stare at the man in front of him. His face pale like someone just sucked his soul out. His throat burning up.

" Is something wrong ?" Yoongi reads the room as he put down the plates on the table.
" We were just getting to know each other." Minjun says with a smile that creeps Jimin out so much. He took the seat that's farthest away from him.

" Eunjae ah, it's breakfast time." Yoongi calls for the boy and soon the sound of floor creaking below his feet is heard.
" Toastiee~" Eunjae sings on seeing the breakfast ready on the table.

Minjun gave Jimin a smug look before he opened his arms for Eunjae.
" Come,  I'll feed you like I always do." He pats his lap for the boy to come sit there.
Jimin look down at his plate, toying with the food. He just lost his appetite.

Eunjae nods at the suggestion, running towards Minjun but then the footsteps halt in the way, as he stopped to think about something.

" I want papa to feed me." With that announcement he went towards Jimin's side. Forcefully, getting between his arms and wiggling his way onto his lap.
Jimin looked up to see Minjun's eyes shooting him a deadly glare.

" That's fine. Your papa can feed you today." Yoongi says before there could be any disapproval.
Eunjae clapped his hands on getting the permission from his father. He looked at Jimin with his happy cresent moons and opened his mouth so that his papa can feed him.


" When will you come back to work ?" Minjun asks him as they're standing on the doorway. He's about to head out.
He's not going to openly admit it, but he just came here today because the alpha didn't come to work and he missed him.

" Tomorrow, by sure." The omega nods at that, happy with the answer. He leans down to leave a quick kiss on Eunjae's cheek.

" Also, you can just text me the time and venue for our date. I'm excited for it." He make sure that the word travel to Jimin's ears.
" Yeah, will do." Yoongi opens the door for him.

" Bye, take care."
" Bye Jimin." He gave the omega one last look before heading out with a smirk.
" B-bye." He replies in a small voice.

When the omega was finally out, Jimin huffed in a long deep breath. It felt so suffocating before, almost like he was choking on air in presence of Minjun.

" Minjun ssi is a good person." Jimin says with a smile but, Yoongi saw the lie in them. He knows the omega's words and his emotions aren't matching well but, he didn't questioned it further.

Jimin don't want to compete with Minjun for his son, because his son is not a thing.  But, the omega surely stirred something inside of him today. Now, he's determined to know every fine detail about Yoongi and Eunjae that he missed out during the four years.

I want you too ☾ ym ☽Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon